As people continue to grow and age, our
body systems continue to change. At a certain point in your life your body
systems will begin to weaken. Your joints may become stiff. It may become more
difficult for you to see and bear. The slow change of aging causes our bodies to
lose some of their ability to bounce back from disease and injury. In order to
live longer, we have always tried to slow or stop this process that leads us
toward the end of our lives. Many factors contribute to your health. A well-balanced diet plays an important role. The amount and type of exercise you get is another factor. Your living environment and the amount of stress you are under is yet another. But scientists studying senescence (衰老) want to know: Why do people grow old They hope that by examining the aging process on a cellular level medical sc A. man’s aging process B. man’s life span C. man’s health D. man’s medical care [多项选择]可以考虑以下( )领域来取得最佳的采购组合。
A. 质量 B. 数量 C. 价格 D. 交货 [单项选择]依照《固定资产贷款管理暂行办法》对贷款人固定资产贷款业务实施监督管理的是()。
A. 人民银行 B. 国资委 C. 银行业监督管理机构 D. 事发地人民政府 [单选题]公称外径100mm的双壁波纹管的公称外径允许误差为()。
A.+0.2mm,-0.4mm B.+0.4mm,-0.6mm C.+0.6mm,-0.8mm D.+0.8mm,-1.0mm [单选题] CIS-1型计算机联锁系统,()状态可以进行倒机操作。
A.单机工作 B.双机同步工作 C.双机不同步工作 D.系统关闭 [简答题]简述园林特性?
A. 4和2 B. 2和3 C. 3和4 D. 4和3 [判断题]工作监护制度规定,所有工作人员(包括工作负责人)可以单独进入、滞留在高压室、阀厅内和室外高压设备区内。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]钳工常用台虎钳分固定式和回转式两种.( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]消防中的“四懂”是指()
A.懂火灾的危险性 B.懂预防火灾的措施 C.懂扑救火灾的方法 D.懂逃生的方法 [单选题]为了避免定位器碰撞受电弓,要求定位器有( )的坡度。
A.1:2-1:5 B.1:3-1:5 C.1:4-1:10 D.1:5-1:10 [单项选择]She had sworn to {{U}}uphold{{/U}} the policy.
A. destroy B. keep C. damage D. support [不定项选择题]共用题干
Sometimes love really can be measured in pounds and pence. It's an annual argument.Do we or do we not go on holiday?My partner says no because the boiler could go bad,or the roof fall off,and we have no savings to save us.I say that you only live once and we work hard and what's the point if you can't go on holiday.The joy of a recession means no argument next year一we just won't go. Since money is reputed to be one of the things most likely to bring a relationship to its knees, we should be grateful.For many families the recession means more than not booking a holiday. A YouGov poll of 2,000 people in May this year found 22%said they were arguing more with their partners because of concerns about money.What's less clear is whether divorce and separation rates rise in a recession一financial pressures mean couples argue more but make splitting up less affordable.A recent report from ICOR(the online Information Centre on Relationships)cited research showing arguments about money were especially damaging to couple一even more so to their children.Disputes were characterised by intense verbal aggression,tended to be repeated and not re-solved,and made men,more than women,extremely angry. So why are arguments about money so emotive?Since they seem to be so even without a recession,they have to be about more than literally pounds and pence. Kim Stephenson,an occupational psychologist,believes money is such a big deal because of what it symbolises,which may be different things to men and women."People can say the same things about money but have different conceptions of what it is for,"he explains."They will say it's to save,to spend,for security,for freedom,to show someone you love them,to keep score." He says men are more likely to see money as a way of buying status,of trying to best the man down the road who's just bought a flash car,and of showing their parents that they've achieved something. He warns that,while couples need enough money not to struggle and be unhappy,an extra £5,000 above that amount won't make them any happier. "The biggest problem is that couples assume each other knows what is going on with their finances,but they don't. There seems to be more of a taboo about talking about money than talking about death.But you both need to know what you are doing,who is paying what into the joint account and how much you keep separately.In a healthy relationship,you don't have to agree about money, but you have to talk about it." Research from a wholesome organization in the U.S. called the National Healthy Marriage Resource Center says that establishing a"fair and equitable pattern of handling money early in marriage appears to be important for the quality and stability of the marriage".Admitting your incomes to each other and making budgets for your household expenses may not seem romantic but it is,in fact, the real language of love. The author suggests at the end of the passage that couples should__________. A.put their money together instead of keeping it separately B.make efforts to reach agreement on their family budgets C.discuss money matters to maintain a healthy relationship D.avoid arguing about money matters to remain romantic [判断题]动车组辅助供电系统是指为除牵引动力系统之外的所有需要用电的负载设备提供电能的系统。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]起动列车前,必须二人及以上确认行车凭证、发车信号显示正确,准确呼唤应答,执行车机联控,鸣笛起动列车。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]【多选题】潜水泵在使用前,应重点检查下列( )项目且应符合要求。
A.外壳不准有裂缝、破损 B.电源开关动作应正常、灵活 C.机械防护装置应完好和电气保护装置应良好 D.校对电源的相位,通电检查空载运转,防止反转 [填空题]()是列车运行的图解,是全路组织列车运行的基础。
A.吸收能量 B.隔离公路用地 C.指示道路线形 D.诱导视线 E.减轻损伤程度 [单项选择]从核心价值看,高中思想政治课是一门()。
A. 进行马克思主义基本观点教育的课程 B. 进行人文和社会科学知识教育的课程 C. 提高学生参与社会科学知识教育的课程 D. 培养公民思想政治素质的课程 [多项选择]对路面基层的性能要求有( )。
A. 足够的强度和刚度 B. 足够的耐磨性 C. 足够的水稳定性 D. 良好的抗滑性 E. 平整度高 [单选题]1.245.
瓦特表设备的文字符号( )。 A.W B.V C.A D.VA [单项选择]静态投资的估算一般以( )为基准年。
A. 编制年 B. 开工前一年 C. 开工年 D. 设计开始年份 [填空题]保证<--NRC-->是工务部门的基本职责。
A.绝缘良好 B.连接牢固 C.转动灵活 D.按厂家使用说明书、现场操作规程正确使用 [单选题]( )向从业人员通报事故隐患分布、治理进展情况;
A.每天 B.每旬 C.每月 [单项选择]某区段货物列车重量标准为4000t,列车长度标准为70•0,现该区段某一区段列车实际重量为1218t,计长70.1,则该列车为()。
A. 满轴列车 B. 超重列车 C. 欠轴列车 D. 超长列车 [单选题]使用无线调车灯显制式的信号显示( )——紧急停车信号。
A.一个红灯 B.两个红灯 C.一个绿灯 D.两个绿灯 [单选题]下面哪种剂型最适合进行飞防作业( )
A.水乳剂 B.可溶性粉剂 C.乳油 D.可湿性粉剂 [单项选择]体现医师克已美德的做法是()
A. 风险大的治疗尽量推给别人 B. 点名手术无论大小能做多少就做多少 C. 只要是对患者有利的要求有求必应 D. 只要是患者的要求有求必应 E. 对患者有利而又无损自我利益的才去做 [单选题]使用吊车立、撤杆塔,钢丝绳套应挂在电杆的()以防止电杆突然倾倒。
A.中间位置 B.根部 C.上部 D.适当位置 [单选题]下列洗消剂不能对人体进行洗消的是( )。
A.德夫康消毒添加剂 B.敌腐特灵洗消剂 C.普利沃洗消剂 D.比亚酶消毒剂 [单项选择] The most important step in developing an effective campaign, and the step which must come before all others, is to define the objectives of the campaign with greatest possible clarity. Does the company wish to attract new investors Does it seek to acquire a company abroad Is a new product to be introduced
Are new government regulations threatening the company’’s profitability Only after the fundamental needs of a corporation have been established can the basic objective for a corporate program be isolated; without such a clearly defined objective the campaign will have little effect.
Note that we have spoken of "an objective," not a set of objectives. One cannot create a favorable climate among the financial community, emphasize one’’s concern for the environment, seek to attract new employees by the creation of a progressive image, give direct support to sales staff, and emphasize social responsibility, all in a single campaign. A scattering of diverse messages will con
A. one objective will confuse the selected audience B. a set of objectives will help to attract new employees C. one objective will make the selected audience know what to do D. a set of objectives will help the selected audience know more about the campaign,. [单项选择]买方信贷下,贸易合同的付款条件为()。
A. 延期30天 B. 延期60天 C. 延期90天 D. 即期付款 [判断题]判断题:在列车进站以及站台门打开的过程以及关闭之前,红外探测装置接收处于待机状态,待机提示指示灯亮,探测结果指示灯以及 8 组滑动门检测指示灯全灭。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]重度脱水时患儿失水量约为体重的( )
A. 8%左右 B. 5%~10% C. 10%左右 D. 10%以上 E. 5%以下 我来回答: 提交