Everyone knows how the story of
Cinderella ends, but did you ever really think about how she spent her days
before she met the prince Her daily routine was not fascinating. She did
everything from sweeping the floor to cooking the meals. If someone had asked
Cinderella," Are there any kinds of household work that you particularly hate "
She probably would have answered," Why, none, of course. Housework is my duty!"
In the real world, however, most people have definite dislikes for certain sorts
of household work. Two of these tasks are ironing clothes and washing
dishes. Ironing clothes is most hated because it is not a task that can be completed quickly or thoughtlessly. Each piece of clothing must be handled individually, so ironing a basket of laundry can take hours! After ironing a piece of clothing with great caution, w A. know how to iron certain clothes material B. spare no care through all the procedures C. find some proper hangers for the ironed D. pay special attention to the seams [判断题]跨区域增援力量达到增援地后,主战车辆装备维护,除增援队伍遂行技术力量外,增援地应主动提供保障支持。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在道路上醉酒驾驶机动车的,( )
A.出管制,并处罚金 B.处拘役,并处罚金 C.出3年以下有期徒刑 D.处3年以上有期徒刑 [单选题]健康传播效果中的最高层次为 ( )
A.健康信念认同 B.健康信念理解 C.采纳健康行为 D.态度转变 [单选题]根据演练评估报告中对应急预案的改进建议,就( )按程序对预案进行修订完善。
A.应急预案执行部门 B.应急预案编制部门 C.演练组织部门 [判断题]( ) (JLY-DA04)双转子流量计的两个转子互相啮合,彼此推动旋转。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]关于局麻药的极量,下列哪一项是正确的
A. 丁卡因60mg B. 丁卡因150mg C. 利多卡因600mg D. 布比卡因200mg E. 普鲁卡因1000mg [单选题]接触网专业对网轨检测车中间保养周期为()个月
A.3 B.6 C.12 D.24 E.根据3月份变配电规定,周期是3个月 [单选题]类风湿关节炎晨僵时间一般大于:
A.15分 B.30分 C.45分 D.60分 E.120分 [单选题]电容器无渗漏油、膨胀变形,接线正确,放电电阻的阻值和容量符合要求,安装处通风应良好
A.A.正确 B.B.错误 我来回答: 提交