Shundagarh is a village on India’s east-facing coast. The Khadra Hills rise immediately behind the village, to a height of one hundred and fifty meters. A simple, good-hearted old man, whose name was Jalpur, farmed two small fields on the very edge of those hills. From his fields he could see everything up and down the coast. If the weather was kind and the harvest was good, Jalpur could live happily enough — not well, but happily. When there was little or no rain, then he came close to the line between a life which was too hard and death itself.
Last year the weather had been so kind and the harvest promised to be so good, that Jalpur had been wondering whether he could sell all that he had and live with his son farther up the coast. He had been thinking about doing this for some years. It was his dearest wish to spend his last days with his son and his family. But he would go only if he could give; he would not go if it meant taking food out of the mouth of
A. He planned to sell the corn and live with his son.
B. He planned to sell the fields and live with his son.
C. He planned to invite his son to live with him.
D. He planned to invite his grandchildren to live with him.
Wise compromise is one of the basic principles and
virtues of the British. If a continental greengrocer asks 14 shillings (or crown, or francs) for a bunch of radishes, and his customer offers 2, and finally they strike bargain agreeing on 6 shillings, this is just the low continental habit of bargaining; on the other hand if the British dock-workers or any other workers claim a rise of 4 shillings per day, and the employers first flatly refuse even a penny, but after a six weeks’ strike they agree to a rise of 2 shillings a day--that is yet another proof of the British genius for compromise. Bargaining is a repulsive habit; compromise is one of the highest human virtues--the difference between the two being that the first is practiced on the Continent, the latter in Great Britain. The genius for compromise has anothe A. English spelling is formal and good. B. English is good for documents and a code-system. C. English is elaborate in describing things. D. English is neither formal nor good at expressing small differences. [单选题]人们一般认为陷落柱是由于()原因而形成的。
A.岩溶塌陷 B.地震 C.煤矿开采 [多选题]李大钊从民主主义者转变为共产主义者的代表作是 ____
A.《法俄革命之比较观》 B. 《庶民的胜利》 C. 《Bolshevism的胜利》 D. 《我的马克思主义观》 [多项选择]下列关于保险金额和保险价值,正确的表述是( )。
A. 保险金额是指保险人承担赔偿或者给付保险金额责任的最低限额 B. 保险价值是投保人与保险人订立财产保险合同时约定的保险标的实际价值 C. 保险价值是保险人应赔偿的最低限度 D. 财产保险中,对保险价值的确定直接影响保险金额的大小 E. 超过保险价值部分的保险金额无效 [单选题]世界上最遥远的距离,是我们俩一起出门,你去买苹果四代(iPhone4S),我去买四袋苹果。解决这一问题要()。①为收入的公平分配提供保障②发挥政府在资源配置中的基础性作用③通过做大蛋糕,让人民共享改革发展的成果④利用财政税收政策,大幅度增加国民收入
A.①② B.②③ C.①③ D.③④ [单选题]DJ6-1型经纬仪盘右时竖盘读数与竖直角的关系式为:( )。
A.竖直角α右=90°-竖盘读数L右 B.竖直角α右=270°-竖盘读数L右 C.竖直角α右=竖盘读数L右-90° D.竖直角α右=竖盘读数L右-270° [单选题]ZPW-2000轨道电路中,发送器的主要作用:产生()低频信号;产生四种载频的移频信号;使移频信号有足够大的功率;调整轨道电路。
A.8种 B.12种 C.18种 D.4种 [判断题]管子对口时用的对口工具在焊口点焊完后即可松掉。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]铺无菌巾的原则不包括( )
A.铺无菌单时,距离切口 2-3cm,悬垂至床缘 50cm 以下,至少 4 层 B.无菌巾一旦放下,不要移动,必须移动时,只能由内向外,不得由外向内 C.相对干净到较干净、先远侧后近侧的方向遮盖 D.腹部治疗巾的铺巾顺序为:先下后上,先对侧后同侧 E.都不正确 [单选题]不连续调查一般是为了对总体现象在一定时点上的状态进行研究,下列项目属于不连续调查的是( )。
A.工厂的产品生产 B.能源的消耗 C.生产设备拥有量 D.人口的出生、死亡 [判断题]一氧化碳中毒是由于含碳物质燃烧不完全时的产物,经呼吸道吸入引起中毒,主要损害人的神经系统。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]CTL代表的细胞是
A.B淋巴细胞 B.CD8+T细胞 C.巨噬细胞 D.肥大细胞 E.CD4+T细胞 [单选题]根据国家城市规模划分标准,城区常住人口1000万以上的为( )城市。
A.超大 B.特大 C.大 D.中等 E.小 [单选题]《起重机械安全规程第1部分:总则》(GB/T6067.1-2010)规定,起重机钢丝绳端部用绳夹固定连接时,绳夹间距不应小于钢丝绳直径的( )倍。
A. 3 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8 [多选题] 当信号频率等于放大电路的 fL 或 fH时,放大倍数的值约下降到中频时
的 ( )即增益下降()。. A. 0.5倍 B. 0.9倍 C. 3dB D. 5dB [简答题]什么是保安装置?其作用是什么?
[多选题]配电设备系指20kV及以下配电网中的配电站、开闭所(开关站,以下简称开闭所)、箱式变电站、柱上变压器、柱上开关(包括柱上断路器、柱上负荷开关)、环网单元、电缆分支箱、( )等。
A. A.变电站内开关柜 B.B.低压配电箱 C.C.电表计量箱 D.D.充电桩 [多选题]当高强螺栓长度≤100mm时,长度相差≤( )mm,当高强螺栓长度>100mm时,长度相差≤( )mm,可视为同一长度。
A.A、5 B.B、10 C.C、15 D.D、20 [判断题]在多层多道焊缝焊接时,层间温度与焊前预热的作用不同。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]系统研究的基本过程和内容可以归纳为( )等阶段。
A. 问题发现 B. 问题状况 C. 问题定义 D. 问题诊断 E. 目标确认 [单项选择]在信贷审批流程完成后()进行贷款的直通式发放处理。
A. 由分行贷款作业组 B. 由支行柜员手工 C. 由核心系统 D. 由信贷管理系统 [单项选择]硬木拼花地板施工控制线的弹划方法:先弹出房间纵横中心线,在纵向中心线的两旁弹出起始施工线,再在起始施工线( )弹出施工控制线。
A. 上下分块 B. 左右依次 C. 左右分格 D. 左右水平 [单项选择]未经权利人许可和授权,他人不得使用,这体现了专利权的()特性。
A. 排他性 B. 独立性 C. 垄断性 D. 社会性 [单项选择]BLAST程序家族包括5个主要的程序,基于所查询内容和检索的数据库不同而设计,分别为blastn、blastp、blastx、tblastn、tblastx,应区别各自的使用功能。将一个核酸的查询序列按所有可能的阅读框翻译后的序列与一个蛋白质序列数据库进行比较的是()
A. blastn B. blastp C. blastx D. tblastn E. tblastx 我来回答: 提交