A federal judge on Monday certified a
$200 billion class action lawsuit against the tobacco industry for its marketing
of light cigarettes. Eastern District of New York Judge Jack B. Weinstein’s 540-page opinion in Schwab v. Philip Morris USA, Inc., 04-CIV-1945—which included an additional 965 pages of appendices for a total of 1,505 pages—gave tens of millions of smokers an avenue to recover damages from the nation’s largest tobacco companies, including Philip Morris USA Inc., R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Lorillard Tobacco Co., and Liggett Group, Inc. The class will include anyone who purchased light cigarettes from the time tobacco companies began selling them in the 1970s. The judge said he even would consider broadening the class, to encompass smokers of all "low tar" brands, not just light cigarettes. The judge suggested that an expansion o A. person B. firm C. holiday D. corporation [判断题]项目经理应协调、管理现场安全生产,并按规定到岗带班指挥生产。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]阀冷例行巡视中主循环泵无异常声响、无焦糊味,无渗漏油、水等情况
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]如旅客年龄不满_____岁,则该旅客不宜在出口座位就坐。
[多选题]带电粒子与物质的相互作用一般有( )。
A.电离和激发 B.散射 C.轫致辐射 D.电子湮灭 [单选题]肠热症并发症之一是肠穿孔,其原因是
A.细菌的直接作用 B.肠梗阻所致 C.肠壁淋巴组织发生超敏反应 D.毒素的直接作用 E.胃酸过多所致 [单选题]下列不符合寻常型银屑病的临床表现是( )
A.银白色鳞屑 B.束状发 C.甲板顶针状凹陷 D.消退期常见同形反应 E.多数病人病情冬重夏轻 [单选题]集中联锁车站和自动闭塞区段应装设信号集中监测系统,对信号设备运用状态进行实时监测,实现故障及( )
A.超限告警 B.诊断 C.恢复 D.停机 [单选题]Wise people will seek common interest, _______ the unwise will focus only on difference.
A.as B.because C.unless D.while [多选题]设备定期检查时,液压、润滑及冷却系统除清洗零件外,还应进行( )工作。
A.A、调整 B.B、修复其磨损、失效零部件 C.C、修复其磨损、失效零部件 D.D、消除泄露 E.E、测量 [多选题]固定资产贷款按用途可分为( )。
A.基本建设贷款 B.技术改造贷款 C.房地产开发贷款 D.土地储备贷款 E.其他固定资产贷款 [单项选择]为了防范Internet上网络病毒对企业内部网络的攻击及传输,在企业内部可设置 (63) ,其部署在 (64) 。
A. 用户内部网与外部网的接入点 B. 每个子网的内部 C. 部分内部网络与外部网络的接合处 D. 设在服务器群的出入口外 [简答题]单位时间内流过的流体以体积表示的称为体积流量,用Q表示,单位:m3/h、Nm3/h等。
[单选题]液化石油气的别名是什么( )
A.压缩煤气、液化气 B.压缩汽油 C.天然气 [填空题] · Look at the following members of a company. It shows different jobs and position. · For questions 6-10, decide which person (A-H) is the most suitable for each job below. · For each question, mark the correct letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.