If there was one thing Americans had a
right to expect from Congress, it was a federal plan to help the elderly pay for
prescription drugs. It is a promise that has been made again and again--in
particularly high decibels during the last presidential election. The House and
Senate have passed bills, and although both are flawed, this page has urged
Congress to finish work on them as a first step toward fulfilling this
longstanding commitment. Unfortunately, things have changed. The government cannot afford the program now. That is the fault of President Bush and the Republican majorities in the House and Senate. They broke the bank with their enormous tax cuts. The country is facing the largest budget deficit in history, and there is no realistic plan for getting it under control. The limited version A. President Bush B. the Republican C. the Democrats D. elderly Americans [单选题]老年女性。不慎摔倒,左髋部着地,当即左髋剧痛,不能站立,急诊来院。检査 见左下肢缩短2cm,髋关节屈曲、内旋畸形。
A.Allis 法 B.Hippocrates 法 C.Kocher 法 D.Stimson 法 [单选题]使用接地开关DK及故障开关GK,均无法排除DJ动作时的原因是:( )。
A.主电路正端大线接地 B.接地继电器DJ故障 C.低电位点接地 [单项选择]在语言谱系分类的层级体系中,最大的类别是()
A. 语族 B. 语支 C. 语系 D. 语群 [单项选择]Windows 98 为文件分配磁盘存储空间时是以“分配单元”为单位进行的,磁盘的分配单元是 ( )。
A. 簇 B. 字节 C. 扇区 D. 磁盘 [单项选择]幽门梗阻所引起的持续呕吐可造成()。
A. 低氯低钾性碱中毒 B. 低氯低钾性酸中毒 C. 低氯高钠性碱中毒 D. 低氯低钠性酸中毒 E. 低钠低钾性酸中毒 [填空题]棕绳按抗拉强度从低到高分为3个等级,当等级不明时应按()对待。
[单项选择]二叉排序树的平均检索长度与二分法检索的长度都是( )。
A. O(nlog2n) B. O(n2) C. O(log2n) D. O(n) [单选题]间接带电作业当受限制时,作业人员(包括其所携带的非绝缘工具、材料)与带电体之间须保持的最小距离不得小于( )。
A.2000mm B.1500mm C.1000mm D.600mm [判断题]乘意险实行实名制投保,一张车票仅限购买一次乘意险。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]人工准备进路时,应正确及时地准备进路,并将进路上无联锁的有关( )及邻线上( )加锁。
[单选题]红酒的斟倒在主人认可后,按( )原则,依次为客人倒酒,站在客人右侧,倒入杯中1/3即可。
A.先宾后主、女士优先 B.先主后宾、女士优先 C.先宾后主、男士优先 D.先主后宾、男士优先 [判断题]生产经营单位将生产经营项目、场所、设备发包或者出租,是一种民事行为,生产经营单位可以自主确定发包或出租给任何单位和个人。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]电气化区段双线车站,不具备V形停电作业条件的接触网设备检修,每月应保证不少于( )次垂直封锁停电天窗,每次不少于( )分钟。
A.1 B.40 C.2 D.30 [单选题]大面低粘膜规格是?
A.213mm*80μm B.217mm*80μm C.215mm*80μm [单选题] 清理切刀缠刀,最合适的工具及防护用品有(
A.钩子、工作服、棉手套 B.扳手、钳子、棉手套 C.螺丝刀、刮刀 D.硅油、钳子、工作服 [单项选择]Every morning, kids from a local high school are working hard. They are making and selling special coffee at a coffee café. They are also making a lot of money.
These students can make up to twelve hundred dollars a day. They are selling their special coffee to airplane passengers. After the students get paid, the rest of the money goes to helping a local youth project. These high school students use a space in the Oakland airport. It is usually very crowded. Many people who fly on the planes like to drink the special coffee. One customer thinks that the coffee costs a lot but it is good and worth it. Most customers are pleasant but some are unhappy. They do not like it if the coffee care is not open for business. The students earn $6.10 an hour plus tips. They also get school credit while they learn how to run a business. Many of the students enjoy the work although it took some time to learn how to do it. They have to learn how to steam milk, load the pots, a A. enjoy B. have to do C. hate D. ignore [单项选择]下面关于开瓣音的特点,不正确的是()
A. 出现在第二心音后 B. 常用来作为二尖瓣分离术适应证的参考条件 C. 呼气时增强 D. 听到开瓣音提示瓣膜弹性和活动性较好 E. 对确诊二尖瓣关闭不全具有重要临床意义 [单项选择]《新编药物学》属于()。
A. 百科类 B. 药品集 C. 专著类 D. 药典 E. 工具书 [单选题]预防和( )是安全管理的两种工作方法。
A.善后 B.控制 C.教育 D.过程管理 [单选题]下列叙述中,正确的是( )
A.所有微机上都可以使用的软件称为应用软件 B.操作系统是用户与计算机之间的接口 C.一个完整的计算机系统是由主机和输入输出设备组成的 D.磁盘驱动器是存储器 [多项选择]房屋建筑结构施工图中,梁原位标注下部注写“6中25(2/4)”,表示梁()。
A. 下部纵向钢筋为两排 B. 全部不伸人支座 C. 全部伸入支座 D. 下部共有6根纵向钢筋 [单选题]高温熔融金属具有高温喷溅.冶炼或运输(吊运)中易发生泄漏.若遇水则()的危险。
A.爆炸 B.触电 C.中毒 D.窒息 [单选题]下面关于OSPF的特殊区城,描述错误的是:
A.TotallyStubArea的作用是允许ABR发布的LSA3缺省路由,不允许自治系统外部路由和区城间的路由。 B.StubArea和TotallyStub区域的不同在于该区域允许域间路由。 C.NSSAArea和Stub区域的不同在于该区域允许自治系统外部路由的引入,由ABR发布LSA7通告给本区域. D.TotallyStub区域和NSSA区域的不同在于该区城不允许域间路由 [多选题]根据《关于印发2016年推进简政放权放管结合优化服务改革工作要点的通知》,“五证合一、一照一码”改革是在全面实施企业“三证合一”基础上,继续整合以下哪两种证照?( )
A.工商营业执照 B.统计登记证 C.社会保险登记证 D.税务登记证 [多选题]《人力资源市场暂行条例》规定,人力资源服务机构接受用人单位委托招聘人员,应当要求用人单位提供( ),并对所提供材料的真实性、合法性进行审查。
A.招聘简章 B.经办人的身份证件 C.营业执照或者有关部门批准设立的文件 D.用人单位的委托证明 [单项选择]
The relationship between man and animals is close but unequal. Although (61) is true that there are a large (62) of cases of men being the victims of animals(of a man eating tiger, for example), (63) man is the master. (64) the beginning of the human race, animals have been hunted for food. (65) the increasing number of vegetarians in the world, (66) of beef, lamb and pork is (67) consumed(耗费) every day. At work and at play we (68) on animals. Motor transport may have (69) the place of the beast of burden (70) the developed world, but in India life for the farmer would be (71) without the (72) of the cow, and (73) a few third world countries depend on the don-key for transport. We (74) pets at home, and we (75) seeing the elephants play football (76) a monkey play the violin at the circus. The blind have guide dogs, the rich have guard (77) , and (78) the [判断题]边际实物产量递减的假定隐含着长期平均成本曲线一定向上倾斜的情况。
A.基坑周边; B.雨篷边; C.挑檐边; D.无外脚手架的屋面与楼层周边; E.料台与挑平台周边; 我来回答: 提交