Since there is such an abundance of
food in the sea, it is understandable that some of the efficient, highly
adaptable, warm-blooded mammals that {{U}} (67) {{/U}} on land should
have returned to the sea. Those that {{U}} (68) {{/U}} have flourished.
Within about 50 million years--{{U}} (69) {{/U}} time at all,
geologically speaking--one of the four kinds of mammals that has {{U}} (70)
{{/U}} to a marine environment has developed into the largest of all animal
{{U}} (71) {{/U}}, the whale. A second kind, the seal, has produced what
is probably the greatest population of large carnivorous mammals on
Earth. This suggests that these "top dogs" of the ocean are {{U}} (72) {{/U}} and multiplying. {{U}} (73) {{/U}}, such has not been the case, at ieast not for the last 150 years. Trouble has closed in {{U}} (74) {{/U}} these mammals in t A. forms B. kinds C. varieties D. types [判断题]上爬梯应逐档检查爬梯是否牢固,上下爬梯应抓牢,应两手同时抓一个梯阶。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]They are (20) along the major roads throughout the Northeast. Form the parking lots, they look like railroad or trolley cars, but the cheery curtains in the windows, the flower boxes on the window sills, and the "Come on in, we’re open" (21) on the doors (22) something different. These are the diners, where eating is a (23) restaurant experience.
The first diners appeared almost one hundred years ago. (24) they were horse-drawn wagons filled with sandwiches, hot dogs, desserts, and coffee for people who wanted to eat (25) after 8:00 p. m. Many restaurants were already closed (26) that hour, but the diner stayed open. (27) earning the nickname, "night owl" It was not until 1897, (28) , that the trolley design of the diner became popular. When Boston, Philadelphia, and New York City (29) their horse-drawn trolleys with modern electric cars, the abandoned models were bought by (30) merchants for 15 or 2 [填空题]员工有( )、 ( )、 ( )、 ( )等有碍食品卫生病症的.应立即脱离工作岗位.待查明原因排除有碍食品卫生的病症或治愈后方可重新上岗
A. 斯各特 B. 塞尚 C. 霍泽 D. 阿尔瓦•阿尔托 [单项选择]前囟门闭合最迟的时间约为
A. 6个月 B. 8个月 C. 10个月 D. 15~18个月 E. 20~24个月 [单项选择]下列数列中,指标数值可以相加的是()。
A. 平均指标时间序列 B. 相对指标时间序列 C. 时期数列 D. 时点数列 [填空题]将干麦芽切断,其断面为()者为溶解良好;呈()者为溶解不良;呈半玻璃状者介于两者之间。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]高等学校教师职务设()
A. 教员,助教,讲师,教授 B. 教员,讲师,副教授,教授 C. 助教,讲师,副教授,教授 D. 教员,讲师,高级讲师,教授 [单选题]维生素 C 具有还原性就是因分子中存在 ( )
A.羟基 B. 羰基 C. 半缩醛 D. 烯二醇 E. 伯醇羟基 [不定项选择题]清扫扶梯时( )冲洗扶梯。
A.用水 B.用湿布 C.不能用水 D.都不对 [多选题]电缆隧道应有充足照明,并有( )措施。
A.通风 B.防冻 C.防水 D.防火 [判断题]各省公司要加大“转供电费码”宣传推广力度,联合政府部门,利用线上线下多渠道开展全方位宣传,积极引导终端用户申领“转供电费码”,尽快实现“一企(户)多码”。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]什么叫六点定位规则?
A. A.一 [判断题]法制部门是公安机关内部执法监督工作的领导部门。 ( )
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