It is difficult to imagine what life
would be like without memory. The meanings of thousands of everyday perceptions,
the basis for the decisions we make, and the roots of our habits and skills are
to be found in our past experiences, which are brought into the present by
memory. Memory can be defined as the capacity to keep information available for later use. It not only includes "remembering" things like arithmetic or historical facts, but also involves any change in the way an animal typically behaves. Memory is involved when a rat gives up eating grain because he has sniffed (嗅出) something suspicious in the grain pile. Memory exists not only in humans and animals but also in some physical objects and machines. Computers, for example, contain devices for storing data for later use. It is interesting to comp A. It can be expanded by language. B. It can remember all the combined words. C. It may keep all the information in the past. D. It may change what has been stored in it. [单项选择]患者男性,28岁,肾移植术后1个月,口服环孢素、骁悉、强的松免疫抑制治疗,肌酐下降至100mmoL/L,近一周患者肌酐缓慢上升至160mmol/L,日尿量在2000~2500ml,无发热,血压150/95mmHg,环孢素浓度350mmoL/L,诊断考虑最可能为()
A. 急性排异反应 B. 慢性排异反应 C. 加速排异反应 D. 环孢素中毒 E. 移植肾血管栓塞 [单项选择]非贸易商品与贸易商品的相对价格被叫做()。
A. 虚拟汇率 B. 实际汇率 C. 比较汇率 D. 相对价格 [单选题]关于方寸匕说法错误的是
A.1方寸匕相当于现代的2.74ml B.1方寸匕盛金石药末约为2g C.1方寸匕盛草木药末约为1g D.为古代量取药物的器具 E.1方寸匕相当于现代的5ml [多项选择]
A. 施工现场监理人员 B. 建设单位委派具备一定试验知识的专业人员 C. 施工单位人员 D. 材料、设备供应单位人员 [单选题]现场()压井时间短,井口装置承压小,对地层施加的压力小。A.
A.工程师法 B.B.司钻法 C.C.压回法 D.D.体积法 [单项选择]盲板作业点在以下那种情况下,需设临时支撑()。
A. 法兰开口困难; B. 作业点法兰为水平方向; C. 作业点距支架较远; D. 管道直径较小。 [单项选择]境内居民个人的外币现钞存储()变为现汇存储
A. 可以自愿 B. 禁止 C. 经外汇局批准后可以 D. 经商业银行批准后可以 [单选题]半自动闭塞区段,出站色灯信号机显示( )灯光,准许列车由车站出发,开往次要线路。
A.一个绿色 B.两个绿色 C.一个月白色 [多选题]公司在任何条件下均不予承运的旅客包括:( )