There are two ways in which we can think of literary
translation: as reproduction, and as recreation. If we think of translation as
reproduction, it is a safe and harmless enough business: the translator is a
literature processor into which the text to be translated is inserted and out of
which it ought to emerge identical, but in another language. But unfortunately the human mind is an imperfect machine, and the goal of precise interlinguistic message transference is never achieved: so the translator offers humble apologies for being capable of producing only a pale shadow of the original. Since all he is doing is copying another’s meanings from one language to another, he removes himself from sight so that the writer’s genius can shine as brightly as may be. To do this, he uses a neutral, conventionally literary language whic A. The translator can precisely transfer meaning from one language to another. B. He tries not to have his presence felt. C. He can show the original writer at his or her best. D. The translator actively produces the writer’s meanings. [单选题]1551 按照能量守恒定律,变压器绕组电压高的一侧,电流( )。
A.小 B.大 C.和绕组电压低的一侧一样 [单选题]沃账户余额提现的手续费是?
A.不收手续费 B.0.0005 C.0.001 D.0.0015 [多选题]患者,男性,55岁。多饮多食、消瘦1年。多次査空腹血糖5.5mmol/L左右,餐后2小时血糖16~ 17mmol/L0其治疗方案应在饮食治疗的基础上加用
A.磺腺类药物 B.双胍类药物 C.α葡萄糖苷酶抑制剂 D.格列酮类药物 [单项选择]在X线检查中对被检者的防护措施,错误的是()
A. 避免操作失误 B. 选用多种X线检查方法 C. 采用恰当的X线质和量 D. 严格控制照射量 E. 做好非检查部位的屏蔽防护 [单选题]《国家电网公司电力安全工作规程(信息部分)》一般安全要求中规定:禁止从任何公共网络直接接入( )。
A.管理信息外网 B.管理信息内网 C.门户网 D.信息业务网 [多项选择]税法适用原则足指税务行政机关或司法机关运用税收法律规范解决具体问题所必须遵循的准则,具体包括下列项目中的( )。
A. 法律优位原则 B. 税收法定主义原则 C. 法律不溯及既往原则 D. 程序优于实体原则 E. 实质课税原则 [单项选择]下列哪位作家在“五四”时期以“问题小说”的创作而步入文坛?()
A. 郭沫若 B. 田间 C. 冰心 D. 周作人 [单项选择]对于一级评价项目,对其所在地区气象资料的调查期间,至少应为最近()年。
A. 5 B. 4 C. 2 D. 3 [单选题]变电站内设备检修用临时接地点的“〨”接地()色标识应清晰可识别
A.红 B.黑 C.黄绿相间 D.棕 [多选题]对()的小微企业客户,在核定授信额度时可不考虑客户在他行用信。
A.仅办理简式快速信贷业务 B.信用等级在BBB级(含)以上 C.总资产在5000万元(含)以上 D.销售收入在8000万元(含)以上 [单项选择]既能清肝热,又能平肝阳的药物是()
A. 天麻 B. 白蒺藜 C. 夏枯草 D. 全蝎 E. 钩藤 [判断题]临时加开或停开列车(包括客车、工程车及救援列车)是书面命令。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.
Now, listen to the conversation. Which is NOT true of the man A. He is new in the Department. B. He gets along with others well. C. He is in charge of a project. D. He is from Scotland. 我来回答: 提交