Today it’s my turn to give the presentation. As we agreed last week, I’m going to introduce George Orwell, a famous English writer. George Orwell was born in India on 25 June, 1903, but his family moved back to England four years later. He went to school in Sussex where he was very unhappy and in 1917 he entered the famous English public school, Eton. Unlike most of his contemporaries, he did not go to university after this, but joined the Indian Imperial Police in 1922 and went to Burma, He disliked his job as a policeman and in 1927, after five years, he returned to England. He spent much of the following three years getting to know the poor and exploited in both London and Paris, and he also wrote articles for the newspapers, and poems. During all his life he hated political and social injustice and much of his writing was concerned with this, trying to enlighten and change society through his books, In 1933 his first book, DOWN AND OUT IN PATRIS AND LONDON was pub
A. A literary critic.
B. A war correspondent.
C. A volunteer in the Spanish Civil War.
D. A novelist.
Directions: For each blank in the following passage, choose the best answer from the choices given below. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET by drawing with a pencil a short bar across the corresponding letter in the brackets. Most children with healthy appetites are ready to eat almost anything that is offered them and a child rarely dislikes food (31) it is badly cooked. The way a meal is cooked and served is most important and an attractively served meal will often improve a child’s appetite. Never ask a child (32) he likes or dislikes a food and never discuss likes and dislikes in front of him or allow (33) else to do so. If the father says he hates fat meat or the mother refuses vegetables, in the child’s hearing he is (34) to copy this procedure. Take it (35) granted that he like A. with B. as C. over D. for [名词解释]工作评价指标
A. 国家机关用地 B. 城市基础设施用地和公益事业用地 C. 军事用地 D. 国家重点扶持的能源、交通、水利等基础设施用地 [多项选择]下列投资方式中,符合价值培养型投资理念的有( )。
A. 通过对证券母体注入战略投资的方式,培养证券的内在价值与市场价值 B. 参与证券母体的融资,培养证券的内在价值和市场价值 C. 产业集团的投资行为 D. 参与上市公司的增发、配股及可转债融资 [单项选择]根据《税收征收管理法》的规定,税务机关征收税款时,必须给纳税人开具( )。
A. 完税凭证 B. 普通发票 C. 专用发票 D. 收付清单 [简答题]使用基本闭塞法行车时,列车进入区间或闭塞分区的行车凭证是什么?J314 J317 J319
[判断题]危险作业前由作业负责人、监护人对参加作业人员进行安全提示和安全检查,内容包括:熟悉作业标准、掌握安全要点、异常情况的对策,作业人员作业内容的分工,并对作业现场的清理整顿、工具设备服装防护用品的使用、作业中的指挥、联络方式等进行确认。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]2002年6月,甲某因急需资金与乙银行协商贷款,甲某用其商品房的房产证抵押(该房产证中显示户主为甲某,共有人甲某之妻),在乙银行贷款40万,贷款期限1年。签约后,银行即将40万元交付给甲某,双方并办理了抵押登记手续。2003年6月,贷款期限届满,甲某在未按时归还银行贷款的情况下,将已设定抵押的商品房以45万元的价格卖与丙某。双方签约后,丙某即支付了全部房款,且双方办理了商品房过户手续。乙银行得悉后,认为自己对该商品房享有抵押权,甲某无权转让,遂向甲某、丙某提出异议。因协商未果,2004年7月,乙银行以甲某不履行到期债务损害其合法权益为由,以甲某和丙某为共同被告向人民法院提起诉讼,要求实现其债权。乙银行将如何实现自己的债权?本案将如何处理?
A.主节点处的纵向横向水平杆 B.非施工层上,非主节点处的横向水平杆 C.连墙件 D.纵横向扫地杆 E.非作业层上的走道板 [单选题]《建筑施工高处作业安全技术规范》所称的高处作业,应符合国家标准《高处作业分级》规定的“凡在坠落高度基准面( )有可能坠落的高处进行的作业”。
A.2m以上(含2m) B.基准面2m以上(含2m) C.基准面2m以上 D.2m以上(不含2m) [单项选择]
A. like B. praise C. enjoy D. regard [判断题]按《蒸汽锅炉安全技术监察规程》的规定,进入锅筒内检验使用电灯照明时,可采用24V的照明电压。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]智能变电站一体化监控系统中实时库的容量( )。
A.模拟量≥5000点,状态量≥10000点,遥控量≥3000点,计算量≥2000点 B.模拟量≥10000点,状态量≥10000点,遥控量≥3000点,计算量≥2000点 C.模拟量≥10000点,状态量≥5000点,遥控量≥3000点,计算量≥2000点 D.模拟量≥10000点,状态量≥5000点,遥控量≥5000点,计算量≥2000点 [多选题]运行有限制条件的超限超重车,除有特殊要求外,禁止编入( )列车。
A.直达 B.直通 C.小运转 D.摘挂 [单项选择]假设用户XI有2000台主机,则至少应给他分配( )个C类网络。
A. 4 B. 8 C. 10 D. 16 [填空题]拆脚手架要本着先绑的后拆,后绑的先拆的原则,按层次( )进行。
A.局部持续灌洗 B.患肢牵引固定 C.足量给予抗生素 D.关节腔内注射抗生素 E.为了预防病理性骨折 [多选题]清扫电力监控系统运行设备时,以下哪些说法是错误的()。
A.绝缘工具 B.湿润的毛巾 C.扫帚 D.金属吸尘器 [多选题]应急救援活动应当坚持( )理念。
A. 人民至上 B. 生命至上 C. 以我为主 D. 快字当头 [单项选择]国家顶级域名是()。
A. net B. cn C. com D. 以上答案都不对 [判断题]3.758. 工作许可后,工作负责人、专责监护人应向工作班成员交待工作内容、人员分工、带电部位和现场安全措施 ,告知危险点,并履行签名确认手续,方可下达开始工作的命令。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交