Sleep is something we generally connect with living things. Of course, it is true that a tot of animals sleep, but scientists are not certain that primitive (原始的) forms of animal life like worms ever really sleep. On the other hand, animals such as bears sleep for 4 or 5 months every year.
The amount of sleep that a human being needs depends on age, tile individual and possibly race. For example, doctors think pre-school children need between 10 and 12 hours a night; school children between 9 and 11 hours; and adults between 7 and 9 hours. There are cases of old people who only sleep between 2 and 3 hours a day and continue to be active and healthy. The sleep requirements Of different races also appear to be different. Japanese people, for example, sleep fewer hours than Europeans.
It is not known whether mental activity (except dreaming) occurs when a person is asleep. However, it is certainly true that some people can wake up at a particular time. There are also
A. all living things sleep
B. some people can wake up on time without being called
C. old people usually sleep nine or eleven hours a day
D. we are sure that our minds are not going when we are asleep
As the pace of life continues to
increase, we are fast losing the art of relaxation. Once you are in the
{{U}} (67) {{/U}} of rushing through life, being on the go from morning
till night, it is hard to {{U}} (68) {{/U}} down. But relaxation is
essential for a {{U}} (69) {{/U}} mind and body. Stress is natural part of everyday life and there is no way to {{U}} (70) {{/U}} it. In fact, it is not the bad thing it is often {{U}} (71) {{/U}} to be. A certain amount of stress is vital to provide {{U}} (72) {{/U}} and give purpose to life. It is only {{U}} (73) {{/U}}. the stress gets out of control that it can lead to {{U}} (74) {{/U}} performance and iii health. The amount of stress arsons can withstand depends very much {{U}} (75) {{/U}} the individual. Some people are not afraid of stress, and {{U}} (76) {{/U}} characters are A. explosion B. extension C. exposure D. expansion [判断题]后备面盘DLC顺控试验和开关、刀闸控制试验中,不应发生开关类设备操作不到位、开关位置丢失、顺控命令未执行等导致的顺控中断,错误的操作应被拒绝,顺控未完成时应有提示。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述台区日线损率过大的主要原因?
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]在同一登记站登记的施工(维修)作业,同时包含供电设备维修和停送电配合作业时,设备维修作业组和停送电配合作业组应分别指定一名安全等级不低于<--NRC-->的作业组成员作为要令人,负责向集团公司供电调度台办理停电作业的要令、销令手续。
A. 西瓜 B. 白银 C. 电脑芯片 D. 活猪 [单选题]关于喇叭声响不正常故障,甲说:喇叭声响不正常故障的原因可能是喇叭线圈烧坏:乙说:喇叭声响不正常故障的原因可能是蓄电池存电不足。你认为以上观点( )。
A.甲正确 B.乙正确 C.甲乙都正确 D.甲乙都不正确 [单选题]隧道控制测量的最大误差(极限误差)规定为中误差的( )
A.一倍 B.两倍 C. 三倍 D.四倍 [多项选择]便血的原因可能有()
A. 内痔 B. 直肠息肉 C. 直肠癌 D. 外痔 E. 肠套叠 [判断题]两个以上违法嫌疑人分别对同一行政案件提出听证要求的,可以合并举行。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]变比是400/5的CT接有一块最大刻度是200 A的电流表,当电流表的指示为100 A, CT 一次侧流过的电流是多少?
[单选题]保险代理是( )行为的一种。
A.法定 B.委托 C.指定 D.代理 [单选题]下列关于垂直更换水带的表述中,错误的是( )。
A.水带、水枪不得脱口、卡口。 B.水带挂钩要固定牢固。 C.更换时应更换损坏水带至地面分水器之间的所有水带。 D.损坏水带应用直接、快速放至地面。 [填空题]绝缘介质的介质损耗因数只能用于判断(),对于判断局部缺陷不灵敏,还需通过色谱分析、绝缘电阻、交流耐压等方法综合分析。
A.电源功率 B.I2XC C.0 D.I2R [单项选择]每个信令点编码由三部分组成,即主信令区编码、分信令区编码和信令点编码。其中主信令区编码为()Bit。
A. 4 B. 6 C. 8 D. 16 [单项选择]患者张某,女性,48岁,尿液呈烂苹果味,提示该患者可能处于()
A. 肝昏迷 B. 泌尿系感染 C. 阻塞性胆管炎 D. 有机磷农药中毒 E. 糖尿病酮症酸中毒 [简答题]如何确定工程类别?
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]“荆刘拜杀”
A. 摄入过多 B. 活动过少 C. 出生时体重超重 D. 睡眠时间长 E. 情绪不良 [多选题]正线承力索和接触线宜采用恒张力架设。接触线架设张力应根据线材( )等因素选取,且不应小于线盘绕线张力,架设张力偏差不得大于8%。
A.材质 B.额定张力 C.跨距 D.支柱容量 [单选题]将钢加热到适当的温度,保持一定时间后随炉冷却的热处理工艺叫()。
A.正火 B.回火 C.退火 [单选题]隔离开关能进行切断励磁电流不超过( )的空载变压器的操作。
A.1A B.2A C.4A D.5A [填空题]在变频调速中,如果只改变频率必然会引起磁通()的变化,所以必须同时改变电压,以保持()为常数。
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