Opinion polls are now beginning to show
an unwilling general agreement that, whoever is to blame and whatever happens
from now on, high unemployment is probably here to stay. This means we shall
have to find ways of sharing the available employment more widely. But we need to go further. We must ask some fundamental questions about the future of work. Should we continue to treat employment as the norm Should we not rather encourage many other ways for self-respecting people to work Should we not create conditions in which many of us can work for ourselves, rather than for an employer Should we not aim to revive the household and the neighborhood, as well as the factory and the office, as centers of production and work The industrial age has been the only period of human history in which most people’s work has taken the f A. people were no longer legally entitled to own land B. people were forced to look elsewhere for means of supporting themselves C. people were not adequately compensated for the loss of their land D. people were badly paid for the work they managed to find [判断题]增大风量是处理局部瓦斯积聚的一种有效方法。()
A.5秒 B.6秒 C.4秒 D.3秒 [判断题]大风天气巡线,可沿线路两侧前进,以免触及断落的导线。事故巡视应始终认为线路带电,保持安全距离。夜间巡线,应沿线路外侧进行。巡线时禁止泅渡。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]中药的性能有
A.四气 B.升降浮沉 C.有毒无毒 D.五味 E.归经 [单项选择]我国《商业银行法》规定银行工作人员不得在其他经济组织兼职。作为一家银行的部门总经理,李某在当地企业家协会兼任顾问的行为( )。
A. 与银行业务部直接相关,因此可以不披露自己的兼职工作 B. 非盈利性机构属允许范围内的兼职活动,可以把一半以上的时间用于此兼职工作 C. 非盈利性机构属允许范围内的兼职活动,并应当向所在银行披露自己的兼职身份 D. 违反了有关法律法规和职业操守的规定,必须停止兼职活动 [单选题]安全帽戴好后,应将( )调整到合适的位置,锁紧下髄带,防止作业中前倾后仰或其他原因造成滑落。
A.帽箍扣 B.帽壳 C.帽衬 D.下颁带 [单选题]一名传染病患者最可能的受染日期是:
A. 从发病日期倒推一个该病最短潜伏期 B. 从痊愈日期倒推一个该病最长潜伏期 C. 从入院隔离日期倒推一个该病平均潜伏期 D. 从发病日期倒推一个该病平均潜伏期 E. 从发病日期倒推一个该病最长潜伏期 [单项选择]分布式数据有6种形式,下列哪个不属于分布式数据
A. 复制的数据 B. 子集数据, C. 相容数据 D. 划分数据 我来回答: 提交