M: Hi, Betty, where are you going for your vacation
W: Georgia. I’ve been waiting to go there for ages.
M: Now your dream will come true. When are you off.
W: Next Wednesday evening.
M: How are you getting to the airport Is anybody seeing you off.
W: No, I will take a taxi to go there. My plane takes off at 10:30.
M: Are you staying in a hotel in Georgia Hotels there are particularly expensive and it’s hard to book one at this time of year.
W: No, not necessary. My aunt lives there and I’m staying with her. What about you Are you going anywhere
M: Yeah. I’m going to Florida on Friday with my parents.
W: How are you getting there By train
M: No, by plane.
W: How long are you staying there
M: It all depends. Maybe a week. See you when we get back. Have a nice time in Georgia.
W: Good luck! Have a nice trip!
M: Thanks. The same to you. Bye!
Predictions of many robots in industry
have yet come true. For ten years or more, manufacturers of big robots have
explained how their machines can make industry more competitive and productive.
The maker for{{U}} (21) {{/U}}robots is oversupplied now, and the
driving force of the robotics(机器人学) revolution is{{U}} (22) {{/U}}to be
with makers of machines that handle a few kilos at most. "Heavy-robot manufacturers are in some difficulty{{U}} (23) {{/U}}finding customer. They are offering big{{U}} (24) {{/U}}just to get in the door. There has been a{{U}} (23) {{/U}}growth everywhere in the numbers of robots, so we admit we are either deceiving{{U}} (26) {{/U}}or that the market is slowly growing. "said John Reekie, chairman of Colen Robotics. "The following things must happen{{U}} (27) {{/U}}the robotics revolution to occur. We A. expensive B. artificial C. educational D. low-cost [单选题]关门车编入货物列车时,不得挂于机车后部( )辆车之内。
A.一 B.两 C.三 [单项选择]血管扩张药治疗心功能不全的主要作用机制是()。
A. 增强心肌收缩力 B. 改善心肌供氧 C. 降低心脏的前后负荷 D. 降低心肌耗氧 E. 减慢心率 [多选题]剔除国家已取消试点资格的增量配电试点项目,湖南( )市无增量配电试点项目。
A.永州 B.常德 C.娄底 D.张家界 [单项选择]兴法公司与广和公司签订一份专利转让合同,后因广和公司拒不支付转让费,于是兴法公司便向人民法院提起诉讼。根据本案情况,下列说法不正确的是:
A. 如果广和公司在举证期限内提供了相关的证据,但在举证期限届满后,专利管理局发布公告撤销了兴法公司产品的专利权,那么广和公司可以在一审开庭审理时提交该证据 B. 如果人民法院一审判决广和公司败诉,广和公司在上诉过程中,专利管理局发布公告撤销了兴法公司产品的专利权,二审法院对该案开庭审理,那么广和公司可以在开庭审理前提交该证据 C. 如果人民法院二审判决广和公司败诉后,专利管理局发布公告撤销了兴法公司产品的专利权,广和公司就此要求对该案进行再审,那么广和公司可以在再审开庭审理时提交该证据 D. 不论二审或者再审,如果广和公司提出新证据,那么兴法公司请求广和公司负担由此增加的差旅、误工、证人出庭作证、诉讼等合理费用,人民法院应予支持 [单项选择]
Eighteen-year-old Khairul Anuar Salim, who was attacked by hoodlums, succumbed to his wounds because, according to his uncle, a private hospital in Cheras insisted on "Money first then treatment". (71)______ They have no intention to treat those who cannot afford to pay. They feel that the government should bear the responsibility for health care of ordinary folks who cannot afford or are unwilling to pay. That is also why they do not release the decease’s body until they secure payment from the next of kin--never mind that the latter are under stress and grieving. (72) ______ Doctors have taken their Hippocratic Oath to uphold the special value of human life above personal profit, to use their medical knowledge to ameliorate suffering and pain and in emergencies, do the best for anyone in medical need regardless of their financial means. (73)______ Many join the private hospitals to make money. By itself, there is nothing wrong in making money except that it is d [多选题]如果李某对处罚决定申请救济时,发现所依据的文件《关于加强某市文化市场管理若干问题的通知》(以下简 称《通知》)不合法时,下列说法正确的是( )。
A.如果李某提起行政复议,可以一并向行政复议机关申请审查《通知》的合法性 B.李某可以单独对《通知》合法性提起行政诉讼 C.李某可以单独对《通知》合法性提起行政复议 D.李某无权单就《通知》合法性提起行政诉讼或者行政复议 [单项选择]MGW单框成局时,机框配置为()
A. BCTC B. BUSN C. BCSN D. BPSN [判断题]( )用负荷试验法检测电池性能时,可用起动作负载。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]丝杠回转精度是指丝杆的( )。
A.径向圆跳动 B.轴向窜动 C.径向圆跳动和轴向窜动 [多选题]《特种设备使用管理规则》规定,特种设备安全技术档案应包括()。(1分)
A. 特种设备定期自行检查记录和定期检验报告 B. 特种设备日常使用状况记录 C. 特种设备安全附件和安全保护装置校验、检修、更换记录和有关报告 D. 特种设备运行故障和事故记录及事故处理报告 [单选题]关于软性角膜接触镜的含水量,说法错误的是()。
A.含水量高的镜片强度差 B.含水量越高透氧性越差 C.含水量大于4 %的材料为亲水聚合物 D.含水量表示镜片的亲水性 [多选题] 浇筑框架、梁、柱、墙混凝土时,应架设脚手架或作业平台,不得站在( )上操作。 (1.0分)
A. 梁的模 B. 柱的模板 C. 临时支撑 D. 脚手架护栏 [多选题]关于境外结汇和境外购汇中收付款币种的确定,说法正确的是( )
A.境内主体从境外收到一笔外汇款项,解付前境内银行代其进行境外结汇,之后以人民币汇入境内并贷记境内客户账,“收入款币种”应申报为人民币,“付款人常驻国家(地区)”应申报为境外结汇国家(地区) B.境内主体从境外收到一笔外汇款项,解付前境内银行代其进行境外结汇,之后以人民币汇入境内并贷记境内客户账,交易附言需注明实际交易性质.结汇国家(地区)及结汇币种,如“**业务在**(国家或地区)**(币种)结汇” C.境内主体需对外支付外汇时,境内银行收取其人民币款项并代其进行境外购汇,之后款项直接用于境外支付,“付款币种”应申报为人民币,“收款人常驻国家(地区)”应申报为境外购汇国家(地区) D.境内主体需对外支付外汇时,境内银行收取其人民币款项并代其进行境外购汇,之后款项直接用于境外支付,交易附言需注明实际交易性质.购汇国家(地区)及购汇币种,如“**业务在**(国家或地区)**(币种)购汇” [判断题]自燃事故属于刺猬事故的一种。(0.03分)
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]BD022 电动螺杆泵井电流明显高于正常运转电流是什么原因造成的?
评分标准:答对①②各占30%;答对③各占40%。 [多项选择]在专制政体中,容易形成()
A. 等级观念 B. 对上盲从 C. 对下专横 D. 世袭观念 E. 秩序观念 [不定项选择题]共用题干
A.呼吸性酸中毒 B.代谢性酸中毒 C.呼吸性碱中毒 D.代谢性碱中毒 E.混合性碱中毒 我来回答: 提交