On the shelves of the country’s shops
is the usual classification of toys, clothing, appliances and cookware. But over
the past month the quality of many of the goods on offer has improved. In part
this is because scandals over toxic paint have brought closer scrutiny from
inspectors and hence less corner-cutting. But it is also partly because of
falling demand for its goods from other countries, which has given its
manufacturers and local government a big incentive to work around the country’s
exportpromotion policies and to sell at home. Its manufacturers are well aware that they operate in one of the few large markets that is still showing a pulse. Retail sales in October were up by 22% compared with the same month in 2007 -- a slight drop from 23.2% in September, but an impressive figure nonetheless. That certainly e A. its consumers can buy better product at lower price B. boom is expected by all countries under all situations C. recession may connect domestic and export-led economies D. the economy of a country needs both boom and bust [单项选择]( )分为公募发行和私募发行两种形式。
A. 发行市场 B. 流通市场 C. 股票发行 D. 证券发行 [单选题]《管规》规定,站、车播音时间,一般从7点至22点,每次连续播音不超过(),间歇时间不应少于半小时。
A.1h B.2h C.3h D.4h [单选题]《供电营业规则》规定,除居民以外的其他用户当年欠费部分,每日按欠费总额的()计算。
A.千分之一 B.千分之二 C.千分之三 D.千分之四 [单选题]伪劣卷烟、雪茄烟等烟草专卖品尚未销售,货值金额达到刑法第一百四十条规定的销售金额定罪起点数额标准的( )倍以上的,以生产、销售伪劣产品罪(未遂)定罪处罚。
A.二 B.三 C.四 D.五 [单选题]油浸式电力变压器和电抗器油中绝缘油带电检测/停电试验时,基准周期规定:330kV及以上:(____)年;220kV及以下:(____)年。
A.1,3 B.1,2 C.2,3 D.2,4 [单项选择] 一生懸命( )、必ずしもうまくなるとはかぎらない。
A. 練習しなくても B. 練習しないから C. 練習しているから D. 練習したからといって [单选题]货车司机林某不同时间在同一路段,因为相同的违法行为被处以不同额度的罚款,他对此感到不满,便将几张罚单传到市长电子邮箱,要求规范行政执法自由裁量权。林某该行为属于()。
A.政府开展行政执法的重要依据 B.公民参与基层民主管理的重要方式 C.公民通过信访举报制度行使监督权 D.公民通过社情民意参与民主决策 [判断题]违反《中华人民共和国突发事件应对法》规定,构成犯罪的,依法追究民事责任。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交