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As thick-skinned elected officials go, FIFA President Joseph S. Blatter is right up there with Bill Clinton. The chief of the Zurich-based group that oversees World Cup soccer hasn’t been accused of groping any interns, but that’s about all he hasn’t been accused of. Vote buying, mismanagement, cronyism -- and that’s just for starters. Yet the 66- year-old Swiss shows no sign of abandoning his campaign for a second four-year term.
Blatter, a geek of dispensing FIFA’S hundreds of million in annual revenue to inspire loyalty, even stands a good chance of reelection. At least he did. Since mid-March, he has seen a credible challenger emerge in Issa Hayatou, president of the African Football Confederation. Hayatou, a 55-year-old from Cameroon, leads a group of FIFA reformers that also includes FIFA Vice-President Lennart Johansson, a Swede who lost the presidential election Blatter in 1998. These contenders’ mission: t
A. FIFA politics.
B. sports scandals.
C. FIFA finances.
D. fans' wisdom.
{{B}}Advertisement{{/B}} The dynamic developing economies of the world are {{U}} (19) {{/U}} with potential. Not only have they demonstrated {{U}} (20) {{/U}} levels of growth, but we believe this looks set, {{U}} (21) {{/U}} by {{U}} (22) {{/U}} inflows of foreign investment. Fidelity Emerging Markets Fund is supposed to help you {{U}} (23) {{/U}} on this promising {{U}} (24) {{/U}}. The key to real success in Emerging Markets is {{U}} (25) {{/U}} and resources, of Fidelities foremost strengths. As the world’s largest {{U}} (26) {{/U}} investment management or A. comprehensive B. intensive C. extensive D. wide [单项选择]
A. truck B. factory C. home D. store [单选题]“床前明月光”的下半句
A.花间一壶酒 B.绿蚁新醅酒 C.疑是地上霜 D.将军夜引弓 [单选题]带电更换绝缘子或在绝缘子串上作业,应保证作业中良好绝缘子片数不少于:220kV()片。
A.A.7 B.B.8 C.C.9 D.D.10 [多选题]心肺复苏术操作是否正确,主要靠平时严格训练,掌握正确的方法。而在急救中判断复苏是否有效,可以根据以下( )、出现自主呼吸几方面综合考虑。
A.瞳孔 B.面色(口唇) C.颈动脉搏动 D.神志 [单项选择]在PPoint97中,若要更改系统自动保存时间,可在( )菜单中实现。
A. 文件 B. 视图 C. 格式 D. 工具 [简答题]科学发展观形成的理论基础是什么?
[多项选择]安全生产监督管理部门的主要职责,包括( )。
A. 组织事故调查 B. 事故信息发布 C. 建立举报制度 D. 配合地方政府建立应急救援体系 E. 依法处理安全生产违法行为,实施行政处罚 [多项选择]造成部分质变的原因有
A. 由于事物本质属性发生了重大变化 B. 由于事物的根本矛盾发生了变化 C. 由于事物内部各部分发展的不平衡 D. 由于事物的非本质属性发生了变化 [多项选择]向银行申请办理票据贴现的商业汇票的持票人,必须具备的条件()
A. 与出票人、前手之间具有真实的交易关系和债权债务关系 B. 在银行开立存款帐户 C. 与出票人具有真实的委托付款关系 D. 在承兑银行开立存款帐户 [单选题]本工程在风荷载作用下,为了防止出现过大的水平移位,需要建筑物具有较大的()。
A.侧向刚度 B.垂直刚度 C.侧向强度 D.垂直强度 [单选题]下述质子泵抑制剂中对氯吡格雷疗效影响最小的是
A.奥美拉唑 B.泮托拉唑 C.兰索拉唑 D.埃索美拉唑 E.法莫替丁 [多项选择]单位预算的编制原则有()。
A. 政策性原则 B. 可靠性原则 C. 合法性原则 D. 完整性原则 E. 统一性原则 [单选题]按照《大中型企业“三省”小微企业“三零”服务实施细则》,对具备条件的大中型企业客户延伸投资界面至客户红线,城市规划区( )千伏安.农村( )千伏安及以下的小微企业低压接入“零投资”。
A. 100100 B. 160,160 C. 160,100 D. 200,100 [多选题]《技规》规定单线按书面联络法行车未办妥闭塞时,( )车站为优先发车站。(应知应会-《技规》第325条)
A.单线区间为发出下行列车的车站 B.同一线路同一方向运行的列车,有上下行两种车次时,铁路局规定优先发车的车站 C.调度主任指定 D.双线改为单线行车时,为该线原定发车方向的车站 [单选题]安全带的挂钩或绳子应挂在结实牢固的构件上,或专为挂安全带用的钢丝绳上,并采用低挂高用的方式。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列哪些说法为减少贸易壁垒提供了最好的辩护理由?()
A. 军事自足说 B. 稳定性多样化说 C. 扶植新兴产业说 D. 提高全球总产出 [简答题]婴儿期早期教育应包含哪些内容?
A. 二氢叶酸还原酶 B. 过氧化物酶 C. 二氢蝶酸合酶 D. DNA回旋酶 E. β-内酰胺酶 [多选题]白酒中香气成份多为( )。
A.水溶性 B.酯溶性 C.醇溶性 D.不溶性 [判断题]汽车、飞机、轮船是机器。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]对无法进行直接验电的设备和雨雪天气时的户外设备,可以进行间接验电。即通过设备的()及各种遥测、遥信等信号的变化来判断。
A.机械指示位置 B.电气指示 C.带电显示装置 D.仪表 [单选题]根据我国施工合同示范文本,下列各项中属于承包人义务的是( )。
A.提供水文地质资料和地下管线资料 B.办理施工许可证 C.约定负责施工场地及其周边环境与生态的保护工作 D.组织竣工验收 [单选题]根据《企业破产法》的规定,下列涉及债务人财产的行为中,无效的是( )。
A.债务人明显缺乏清偿能力,仍对个别债权人清偿 B.债务人放弃债权 C.债务人为逃避债务而隐匿、转移财产 D.债务人对没有担保的债务提供担保 [单选题](47727)捣固车在圬工桥面作业时,如厚度不足( )mm时,不得进行捣固。(1.0分)
A.60 B.100 C.150 D.250 [单项选择]不属于业主风险管理措施的选项有( )。
A. 风险降低 B. 风险转移 C. 风险预防 D. 设备检验 [单项选择]The last-minute victory of the Texas Longhorns in this year’s Rose Bowl— America’s college football championship—was the kind of thing that stays with fans forever. Just as well, because many had paid vast sums to see the game. Rose Bowl tickets officially sold for $175 each. On the Internet, resellers were hawking them for as much as $3,000 a pop. "Nobody knows how to control this," observed Mitch Dorger, the tournament’s chief executive.
Re-selling tickets for a profit, known less politely as scalping in America or touting in Britain, is booming. In America alone, the "secondary market" for tickets to sought-after events is worth over $10 billion, reckons Jeffrey Fluhr, the boss of StubHub, an online ticket market. Scalping used to be about burly men lurking outside stadiums with fistfuls of tickets. Cries of "Tickets here, tickets here" still ring out before kick-off. But the Internet has created a larger and more efficient market. Some Internet-based ticket agencies, such as A. more than a dozen states in US have anti-scalping laws of various kinds B. there are still legal worries about the American re-selling tickets for a profit C. most states in US have yet to show positive response in crackdown on ticket touting D. 16 companies were taken to court by one fan for reselling a ticket for more than $2 above face value [单选题]夜间巡线应携带足够的( )。
A. 干粮 B. 照明用具 C. 急救药品 D. 防身器材 [单选题]《南昌铁路局旅客列车空调失效应急处置实施细则》(南铁办〔2017〕231号)各单位、部门开展旅客列车空调失效应急处置工作时,要把旅客列车安全和旅客生命财产安全放在首位,要以解决旅客()为首要任务。
A.生命安全 B.财产安全 C.旅行困难 D.通风透气 [单选题]《神华铁路运输管理规程(试行)》规定( )检修要结合检修或实验记录认真记名。
A.各种配件 B.各种设备 C.各种设施 D.各种工具 我来回答: 提交