Once there were a lot of mice in an old
house. They ate up a lot of food. So the owner of the house got a cat. The cat
killed many of the mice. One day the oldest mouse said, "All the mice must come to my hole tonight, and we will decide what we can do about the cat." All the mice came. They thought hard and tried to find a way to save their lives. Many of them spoke, but no one knew what to do. At last a young mouse stood up and said, "Why not tie (系) a bell around the cat’s neck Then when the cat comes near, we’ll hear the bell and run away and hide. Then the cat won’t catch any more of us." The oldest mouse said: "That’s a good idea. If we can tie a bell around the cat, it will save many of our lives." After a moment he asked, "But wh [单选题]下陡而长的坡道时,一般选择与上该坡同级的档位,以便运用发动机控制车速。并要合理使用制动器将车速稳定在( )km/h左右。
A.30 B.40 C.50 D.60 [单选题]事故车送厂、段施修时,须附有车辆破损事故记录( )。
A.车统一23 B.车统--25 C.车统—26 D.车统-36 [判断题]所有汽包水位计损坏,锅炉应手动紧急停炉。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]判断题
()发生液体物料发生泄漏,应立即设置围堰,以避免造成二次污染。 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]3189.关于绒毛膜癌的叙述,下列正确的是
A.A.80%继发于葡萄胎 B.B.以淋巴转移为主 C.C.异位妊娠的部位内可发生绒癌 D.D.对化疗不敏感 E.E.与妊娠有关 [多项选择]教育的科学性对儿童身心发展的具体影响作用可以通过以下几方面加以把握()。(浙江省)
A. 教育目标要反映社会的发展 B. 在成熟的基础上引导发展 C. 教育过程中要尊重和发挥儿童的主体性 D. 在整体发展的基础上促进个性发展 E. 建立和谐民主的师生关系 [简答题]古漆木竹器类文物保护处理的必要性
[单选题]在CCTV系统中,距离交换机( )米以上的数字网络摄像机需采用光纤链路连接。
A.70 B.80 C.90 D.100 [判断题]我厂Ⅰ期停炉不超过三天,应将煤粉仓内煤粉烧尽。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]按照水喷雾灭火系统保护面积确定原则, 开口容器的保护面积应按其开口面积确定。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]在线路上作业时,禁止戴妨碍视觉、听觉的色镜、( )。
[判断题]苯烯比高能够造成烷基化反应苯含量高。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交