INTERVIEWS People applying for jobs normally send in a copy of their CV. This should be used as a basis for questions from the interviewer. Interviewers find it useful to ask candidates about the way they behaved in difficult situations in the past, for example with an angry customer or colleague. These questions allow applicants to explain how they acted in a real-life situation and, consequently, give clues as to how they would act again in similar situations. Candidates are likely to tell the truth as speaking from memory leaves little time to invent what happened. On the other hand, questions which ask candidates to imagine ho A. Candidates may have no experience of this situation. B. Candidates may act differently in the real-life situation. C. Candidates may never meet such a situation. [多选题]《客运系统车间、 班组台账资料管理办法》规定:下列属于车下保存的台账资料有()。
A.旅客列车消防安全台账 B.动车组消防安全台账 C.班组月度学习台账 D.防火巡查记录 [单选题]作业中应使振动棒自然沉入混凝土,一般应垂直插入,并插到下层尚未初凝层中( )以促使上 下层向互胶合。
A.1020cm B.810cm C.24cm D.5-0cm [单项选择]下列哪项不是流行性腮腺炎引起脑膜炎的特点( )
A. 预后一般良好 B. 有的病人脑膜炎先于腮腺炎 C. 有头痛、嗜睡、脑膜刺激征 D. 一般发生于腮腺炎发病后4~5天 E. 脑脊液中性粒细胞升高,白细胞计数>100×106/L [多选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》,开启高压电缆分支箱(室)门应()进行,接触电缆设备前应()。高压电缆分支箱(室)内工作时,应将所有可能来电的电源全部断开。
A.一人 B.两人 C.验明确无电压并接地 D.停电 [单选题]Vmax≤120km/h 的线路,有缓和曲线时,在直线上顺坡的超高不得大于( )。
A.10mm B.15mm C.20mm D.25mm [单选题]1.以下哪种高血压危象血中儿茶酚胺含量升高最明显
A..高血压脑病 B..主动脉瘤引起的高血压 C..肾性高血压 D..嗜铬细胞瘤引起的高血压 E..其余选项都是 [多项选择]心搏骤停时开胸心脏按压适用于()
A. 胸部创伤引起胸廓畸形者 B. 严重肺气肿 C. 常规胸外心脏按压10~15min无效者 D. 动脉内测压胸外按压舒张压<40mmHg E. 心包填塞者 [单选题]物资验收的规定时限:一般物资在( )个工作日内完成;大批量材料.设备在(C)个工作日内完成;内部配送物资当日完成。
A.5.7 B.3.5 C.2.5 D.1.3 [判断题]军运号码由总后军交部统一编制。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]犯罪嫌疑人江某因入室盗窃被公安机关当场抓获。对其重新计算侦查羁押期限的情形有( )。
A.江某被羁押了1个月时,公安机关发现江某还涉嫌强奸罪 B.江某被羁押了1个月时,公安机关才查清其真实身份 C.江某被羁押了半个月后才开始供述 D.需要对江某做精神病鉴定 [单选题]根据《导体和电器选择设计技术规定》(DL/T5222-2005)第6.0.12条规定,电器噪声水平应满足环保标准要求,电器的连续噪声水平不应大于()。
A.70dB B.75dB C.80dB D.85dB [单项选择]二十世纪60年代初,遵照长征时红二师政委、时任空军司令员刘亚楼上将的指示,空政文工团组织词曲作家到革命老区搜集整理红军时代的革命歌曲,其中一首新作成为颂扬长征最为脍炙人口的歌,它是()。
A. 《十送红军》 B. 《红梅赞》 C. 《长征组歌》 [单项选择]股份两合公司由()出资设立。
A. 自然人 B. 有限责任股东 C. 无限责任股东 D. 无限责任股东和有限责任股东 [单选题]1《新时代公民道德建设实施纲要》要求,“中国特色社会主义进入新时代,加强公民( )、提高全社会道德水平是全面建成小康社会、全面建设社会主义现代化强国的战略任务,是适应社会主要矛盾变化、满足人民美好生活向往的迫切需要,是促进社会全面进步、人的全面发展的必然要求。”
A.思想建设 B.个人修养 C.道德建设 D.道德品德 [填空题]
W: When I was getting divorced in 1975, reporters and cameramen were camped out for days in the lobby and on the sidewalk outside. They came from all over the country. Foreign reporters too. It was terrible. My neighbors could barely get in and out of the building. One reporter, who had been a friend of mine, got up to my apartment after persuading the doorman into believing that he was there on a personal visit. I wouldn’t let him in. He just wanted to talk, he said. I was certain that he had a camera and wanted a picture of me looking depressed. I just couldn’t believe this attempt to invade my privacy. TV is the worst. TV reporters present themselves as having the perfect right to be anywhere, to ask any question. It doesn’t matter how personal the matter may be. [单项选择]内燃机的热能和机械能转换一般是通过活塞在气缸内连续进行()往复循环完成,每进行这样一个循环称为一个工作循环。
A. 进气、压缩 B. 进气、压缩、作功 C. 进气、压缩、作功、排气. D. 压缩、作功 [单选题]封锁地段放行列车时,轨道静态几何尺寸偏差不得超过经常保养容许偏差管理值。列车限速Vmax≤45km/h 时,半径小于 800m 曲线及直线地段,混凝土轨枕可每隔 2 根拧紧 1 根,木枕可每隔( )根钉紧 1 根。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题]治疗不寐心脾两虚证,宜选用的方剂是
A.天王补心丹 B.朱砂安神丸 C.养血安神丸 D.柴胡疏肝散 E.归脾汤 我来回答: 提交