A new kind of machine (21) to take the place of humans. These machines (22) do jobs that are too dangerous for humans. (23) , they are being developed to work in nuclear power centers, deep waters and outer space.
This is how the new machines work. A machine (24) placed in an area far away from the person who controls it. The person wears a special hard bat with tiny television screens. The screens (25) the person see and hear exactly what the machine is (26) and hearing. This gives the person the feeling of being in the same place (27) the machine. The person controls the machine. The machine (28) the person’s movements exactly. If the person raises his right arm, the machine raises the right arm, too. This means an (29) worker can do a dangerous job while (30) in a safe place. For example, a person can direct the machine (31) a bomb (32) going near the bomb himself.
The new
A. is developing
B. has developed
C. develops
D. is being developed
Cars are lots of fun, but they could also be
dangerous. We have to be careful when we drive them or ride in them. It’s always a good idea to put on your seat belt when you are in a car. Why Think about this example: You put an egg on a skateboard(滑板)and give it a push. If the skateboard hits as tone, it will stop, but the egg won’t. It will fly through the air, hit the ground and break. Now, think what would happen if you tied the egg to the skateboard. When the skateboard hits a stone, the egg won’t go flying. It will stay safely on the skateboard. Volvo, a famous Swedish carmaker, was the first to use seat belts in 1949. Air bags are also very important for car safety, because somet A. People with seat belts tied will always be safe in cars. B. Volvo was the first carmaker to use seat belts in cars. C. Air bags will come out before the cars hit something. D. All cars have air bags in front of the seats. [多选题]对新引进高价位新品要低调宣传,主要依靠( )进行品牌传播。
A.零售客户的点点推动. B.意见领袖的口口相传 C.消费场景的层层渗透 D.客户经理重点宣传 [单选题]自动喷水灭火系统玻璃球洒水喷头公称动作温度68℃时,工作液色标为( )色。
A.橙 B.红 C.黄 D.绿 [单项选择]生命力呼吸可刺激(),身体产生热量,使体温得到平衡,控制新陈代谢,改善消耗能力。
A. 脑神经 B. 中枢神经 C. 副交感神经 D. 交感神经 [简答题]简述充油电气设备的内部产生气体故障的原因?
[判断题]产权比率为3/4,则权益乘数为4/3。( )
A. 247% B. -247% C. 347% D. 29% [多选题] “待处理财产损溢”账户下应设置( )明细账户。
A. “待处理固定资产损溢” B. “待处理流动资产损溢” C. “待处理存货损溢” D. “待处理原材料损溢” [单项选择]以下关于补充业务的描述正确的是:()
A. 呼叫转移可以由用户来激活,也可以由运营商来激活。 B. 多方通话业务的实现必须依赖于呼叫等待业务。 C. 以上都对。 [单选题]《注册建造师执业管理办法(试行)》规定,注册建造师变更聘用企业的,应当在与新聘用企业签订聘用合同( ),通过新聘用企业申请办理变更手续。
A.前的一个月内 B.后的1个月内 C.后的7天内 D.后的7个工作日内 [单选题]《铁路旅客运输管理规则》中规定,列车运行图原则上每()编制一次,在春季实行。
A.A、一年 B.B、两年 C.C、三年 D.D、四年 [单项选择] _____ fer, _____ cuivre et _____ plomb sont _____métaux.
A. Le ... le ... le ... les B. Le ...le ... le ... des C. Un ... un ... un ... les D. Un ... un.. un ... des [多选题]《普速铁路安全规则》规定,凡发生与工务有关的事故,工务部门应缜密调查,(),吸取教训并采取有效措施,防止同类事故的再次发生。
A.眼睛向内 B.科学分析 C.找出原因 D.通报处理 [单选题]患者,女,35岁。性交后阴道流血2个月,妇科检查见宫颈中度糜烂,宫颈活组织检查示异型细胞占据上皮层的下1/3~2/3。应首选的治疗措施是( )。
A.暂时按炎症处理 B.行子宫全切除术 C.行激光、冷凝等治疗,术后定期随访 D.行子宫全切及双侧附件切除术 E.暂不需处理,随访观察 [判断题]根据《关于开展受限空间、高处作业安全专项治理的通知》管理要求,高处作业与其他作业交叉进行时,可上下垂直作业且加强现场监护。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]气焊时氧气工作压力一般为()。
A. 0.05~0.08MPa B. 1~2MPa C. 2~4MPa D. 0.2~0.4MPa [多项选择]市场经济中存在着“市场失灵”问题主要表现是()。
A. 市场功能的缺陷 B. 市场竞争机制的缺陷 C. 市场在公正收入分配方面的缺陷 D. 市场调节的缺陷 E. 市场在资源配置时不如计划调节 我来回答: 提交