Men seem to have always taken an
interest in meteorites, but not until the early nineteenth century were these
objects considered worth preserving for scientific study. In the beginning, people believed that because meteorites fell from the heavens, they were either gods themselves or messages from the gods. Thus the more civilized of early men carefully kept the meteorites, draping them in costly linens and anointing them with oil. In many instances, the people built special temples in which the meteorites were to be worshiped. Meteorite worshiped was common long in the Mediterranean area, and in Africa, India, Japan, and Mexico: such worship still persists in some regions. Although many people held meteorites in reverence particularly if they were seen to fall, other practical minded individuals made good use of t A. signs of special favor B. messengers of the gods C. swords from heaven D. signs of god’s displeasure [简答题]除了查验护照和签证外,请列举出五种以上非法乘机旅客可能会采取的方法。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]固井过程不包括下套管,只包括注水泥过程。
[判断题]在我国,券商IB的主要业务是为期货佣金商开发客户,并收取保证金,接受期货、期权指令,接受客户的资金进行结算。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]全面风险管理体系有三个维度,下列选项不属于这三个维度的是( )。
A. 企业的资产规模 B. 企业的目标 C. 全面风险管理要素 D. 企业的各个层级 [单选题]《民用航空通信导航监视运行保障与维护维修规程》中规定,B级设备运行正常率标准不低于()。
A.0.99 B.0.995 C.0.9997 D.0.9 [多项选择]态度是个体对某一特定事物、观念或他人的稳定的心理倾向,其成分包括( )。
A. 认知 B. 信仰 C. 情感 D. 行为倾向 E. 意向 [多选题]营业中,厅堂内一下子突然进来很多人取号,大堂经理的处理方案是:( )。
A.先让客户按序迅速取完号,稳定好厅堂秩序后,再进行二次分流和营销 B.在可预见人流会较大的情况下,可在空闲时先取几个空号,分给同时进门的客户,然后人流少的时候,及时去等候区进行二次分流。 C.强调不拿号无法办理业务,避免有不取号的现象。“您这边取一下号,不然一直轮不到您办业务” D.加强二次分流,等候区的再次询问。“您拿号了吗?”“您多少号?”“您办什么业务?” [单选题]防喷器远程控制台周围应留有宽度不少于( )米的人行通道,周围10米内不得堆放易燃易爆、腐蚀物品。
A.1; B.2; C.5; D.10。 [单项选择]喷砂抛光机器的气源压力范围是 ()
A. 1.3~1.4MPa B. 1.1~1.2MPa C. 0.9~1.0MPa D. 0.6~0.8MPa E. 0.3~0.5MPa [判断题]绝缘靴(鞋)要放在柜子内,并应与其他工具分开放置。()
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]J5型感应子发电机定期检查后应进行哪几项试验?
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