In their world of darkness, it would
seem likely that some of the animals might have become blind, as has happened to
some cave fauna. So, indeed, many of them have, compensating for the lack
of eyes with marvelously developed feelers and long, slender fins and processes
with which they grope their way, like so many blind men with canes, their whole
knowledge of friends, enemies, or food coming to them through the sense of
touch. The last traces of plant life are left behind in the thin upper layer of water for no plant can live below about 600 feet even in very clear water, and few find enough sunlight for their food-manufacturing activities below 200 feet. Since no animal can make its own food, the creatures of the deeper waters live a strange, almost parasitic existence of utter dependence on the upper layers. These hungry carn A. show that the United States coast was threatened by the enemy in World War Ⅱ B. explain some of the complexities of deepsea life C. illustrate the main problems faced by undersea researchers D. gain public support for oceanographic expeditions [判断题]在铁路线路允许行人、自行车通过和机动车通过的人行过道应设置人行过道路障桩。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]针对“E收款”新注册商户,自商户注册之日起实施( )个月(含注册当月)免费策略,免费期到第四个月的9号。
A.一 B.二 C.三 D.六 [单选题]下列哪项不是肾上腺皮质增多症的临床表现?
A.多血质 B.骨质疏松 C.淋巴结肿大 D.高血压 E.阳痿 [单选题]机场管制地带内,仪表飞行同速度航空器离场放行的最低间隔标准应当符合如下规定( )。A. 同航迹同高度飞行的,为 10 分钟
B. 同航迹不同高度的为 5 分钟
C. 在不同航迹上飞行,航迹差大于 45 度,并在起飞后立即实行侧向间隔时,为 2 分钟,
但同一走廊飞出的,为 5 分钟
D. 以上都对
A.A B.B C.C D.D [单选题]泌尿、男性生殖系统结核的原发病灶主要是( )
A.肺 B.肠道 C.腹膜 D.骨关节 E.淋巴结 [单项选择]下述关于配送中心的论述,正确的是()
A. 配送中心是从供应者手中将货物直接送到需求者手中 B. 配送中心即是传统的商品批发商, C. 配送中心是从供应者手中接受货物,按照需要者的订货要求备齐货物,以令人满意的服务水平进行配送的设施 D. 配送中心是从供应者手中接受多种大量的货物,进行包装、分类、保管、流通加工和情报处理等作业,然后,按照众多需要者的订货要求备齐货物,以令人满意的服务水平进行配送的设施 [单项选择]严格掌握扁桃体的手术指征是为了避免( )
A. 共鸣障碍 B. 免疫监视障碍 C. 咽淋巴的破坏 D. 咽隐窝缺损 E. 减少细菌生长繁殖 [单选题]个人汽车贷款期限最长不超过____年
A.2 B.3 C.5 D.10 [多项选择]在考勤考核制度中,考勤内容有。()
A. 迟到、早退、脱岗、旷工情况 B. 病事假、零星假情况 C. 公假、工伤、婚、丧假和产假情况 D. 加班、临时调度、学习人员情况 [填空题]河川径流是指河流某一断面以上()的降水,经损耗后,在重力作用下,通过地面和()流经断面的水量。
A.人们的内心信念 B.道德评价 C.社会舆论 D.传统习惯 [判断题]一般情况下,QDⅡ基金申购、赎回的币种为外国货币。()
[单项选择]下列不属于网络管理协议的是( )。
A. SNMP B. 2CMIS/CMIP C. TCP/IP D. LMMP [单选题]仅蓝液压系统工作,在放起落架之前,飞行操纵法则为:
A.备用法则 B.正常法则 C.直接法则 D.略 [单选题]被睫状肌的生理张力所代偿的远视称为( )。
A.全远视 B.隐性远视 C.能动性远视 D.绝对性远视 E.生理性远视 [单项选择]{{I}}{{B}}Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given l5 seconds to answer the questions.
Now listen to the passage.{{/I}}{{/B}}Which of the following is TRUE about Syria today
A. Syria has very few Muslims. B. Syria smaller than it was. C. Syria lies to the west of the Mediterranean. D. Syria reaches all the way to the Arabian Desert. [多项选择]客户注销网银时,可通过()方法注销
A. 拨打95566客服电话 B. 在BANCS LINK端注销 C. 在中行网站自助注销 D. 在ATM中自助注销 [填空题]绘制等声线的监测取样方法:()。
A.车后方右侧 B.车后方左侧 C.车前方右侧 D.车前方左侧 [单项选择]症见突然昏仆,不醒人事,口舌歪斜,半身不遂,舌红苔黄,脉弦其治法为
A. 五苓散 B. 五皮饮 C. 真武汤 D. 实脾饮 E. 苓桂术甘汤 [多选题]施工单位的项目负责人应当由取得相应执业资格的人员担任,对建设工程项目的安全施工负责,落实安全生产责任制度.安全生产规章制度和操作规程,确保安全生产费用的有效使用,并根据工程的特点组织制定安全施工措施,消除安全事故隐患,( )报告生产安全伤亡事故。
A.暂缓 B.及时 C.如实 D.分析 E.查清后 [单项选择]According to those who argue against economic growth, we must slow down for the following reasons EXCEPT that ______.
A. our natural surroundings are in danger of being destroyed by industry B. the fixed supply of natural resources marks a point beyond which economic growth cannot continue C. the world population is ever increasing D. more efforts should be made to improve the quality of our material life [单选题]某进程在运行过程中需要等待从磁盘上读入数据,此时该进程的状态将()
A.从就绪变为运行 B.从运行变为就绪 C.从运行变为阻塞 D.从阻塞变为就绪 [多选题]牵引混合变电所整流机组包括()
A.整流变 B.充电机 C.整流器 D.直流开关 [单选题]《建设工程安全生产管理条例》规定:施工现场的安全防护用具、机械设备、施工机具及配件必须( ) 管理,定期进行检查、维修和保养,建立相应的资料档案,并按照国家有关规定及时报废。 .
A.专人; B.专项; C.专门: D.专业: 我来回答: 提交