Banking is about money; and no other
familiar commodity arouses such excesses of passion and dislike. Nor is here any
other about which more nonsense is talked. The type of thing that comes to mind
is not what is normally called economies, which is inexact rather than
nonsensical, and only in the same way as all sciences are at the point where
they try to predict people’s behavior and its consequences. Indeed most social
sciences and, for example, medicine could probably be described in the same
way. However, it is common to hear assertions of the kind "if you were left alone on a desert island a few seed potatoes would be more useful to you than a million pounds" as though this proved something important about money except the undeniable fact that it would not be much use to anyone in a situation where very few of us are at A. by direct intervention in the pricing of goods and services B. by means of money and the price mechanism C. by keeping a watchful eye on relative price changes D. by fixing prices in specific industries [判断题]水气开始冷凝的温度称为露点。()
[多选题]当出现下列情况之一时,司机应主动采取紧急牵引( )。
A.HMI黑屏 B.HMI闪屏 C.列车无法正常牵引 D.列车主风管压力低于7.0bar [单选题]利多卡因用于神经阻滞麻醉一次限量为
A.100mg; B.200mg; C.300mg; D.400mg; E.500mg; [单选题]10kV、35kV、110kV、220kV、500kV设备不停电时的安全距离分别是( )米。 ( )
A. 0.7、1.0、1.5、3.0、5.0 B. 0.6、1.0、1.5、3.0、5.0 C. 0.7、1.0、1.3、3.0、5.0 D. 0.7、1.0、1.5、3.0、4.5 [单选题]清洁灌肠后大便记录正确的方式为:( )
A.?/E B.?/C C.?/ D.?/G E.?/D [多选题]下面关于燃气管道吹扫的表述中正确的有( )。
A.管道及其附件组装完成并试压合格后,应按设计要求进行气体吹扫或清管球清扫 B.每次吹扫管道长度不宜超过1km,吹扫球应按介质流动方向进行,以避免补偿器内套管被破坏 C.吹扫结果可用贴有纸或白布的板置于吹扫口检查 D.5min内靶上无铁锈脏物则认为合格 E.吹扫后,将集存在阀室放散管内的脏物排出,清扫干净 [单项选择]扁平,片状的颜料称作()
A. 球形颜料 B. 针形颜料 C. 片状颜料 D. 上述所有各项 E. 非上述任何项 [单选题][T]B-B-A-002 5 2 1
接入网的接口包括:业务节点接口、( )和管理接口。 A.V5接口 B.用户网络接口 C.V5.2接口 D.E1接口 [单选题] IEEE802.11协议为提高信道利用率,采用什么协议?
A.ALOHA B.CSMA/CA C.时隙ALOHA D.CSMA/CD [单选题]老年人每天每千克体重蛋白质的摄入量应达到
A.0.8g B.1.0g C.1.2g D.1.5g E.1.8g [单选题]正线车站调车工作值班站长在不担当调车指挥人时,可作为()参与调车作业。
A.调车司机 B.调车人员 C.调车领导人 D.调车指挥人 E.搬道员 [判断题]发现管理违章和装置违章,应按照岗位职责划分,将违章责任落实到具体人员,并按照标准予以记分和处罚。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]风机盘管额定运行电压为380V。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]脑复苏时采取低温措施的主要目的是()。
A. 防止病人烦躁 B. 降低脑细胞需氧量 C. 降低肌张力 D. 维持血液渗透压的正常 E. 减轻心律失常 我来回答: 提交