When Gina Garro and Brian Duplisea
adopted 4-month-old Andres from Colombia last month, they were determined to
take time off from work to care for him. Though Garro’s $ 40,000 salary will
cover their mortgage, the couple will have to freeze their retirement accounts,
and pray that nothing goes wrong with the car. "It takes away from your
cushion and your security," says Garro. "Things will be fight. ’ The 1993 Family and Medical Leave Act was supposed to help families like Garro’s, offering a safety net to employees who want to take time off to nurture newborns, tend to their own major illnesses or care for sick relatives. But while the law guarantees that workers won’t lose their jobs, it doesn’t cover their paychecks. One survey last year showed that while 24 million Americans had taken leaves sinc A. the couple have made a lot of sacrifices to take care of their children’ B. Garro can earn more money so she should go back to work C. Duplisea’s boss is so considerate as to allow him to keep his job D. Garro and Duplisea used to live a comfortable and easy life [单选题]20. GSM的普通小区最大覆盖半径是:
A.15KM B.30KM C.35KM D.70KM [单选题]站、车间应协调、配合,发( )题应本着以站保车的原则积极处理。
A.问题 B.矛盾 C.纠纷 D.旅客伤害 [简答题]无砟道床,板式轨道混凝土底座厚度应大于等于( )cm。
A. 发生率为10%~29% B. 男性高于女性 C. 抑郁症的表现多不典型,即情绪异常和躯体主诉呈混合状态 D. 有的无明显抑郁情绪,以神经症状为主 E. 情绪激越也不少见 [多选题]专用通道分为()。
A.应急通道 B.员工通道 C.宽通道闸机 D.边门 [判断题]万用电表是一种多用途、多量程便携式直读仪表。(易)( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]电缆旁路作业,旁路电缆屏蔽层应在两终端处引出并可靠接地,接地线的截面积不宜小于( )mm2。
A.15 B.20 C.25 D.30 [简答题]如何修改TYJL-Ⅱ型计算机联锁系统时间?
[单选题]胆囊癌声像图类型,下列不属于的是( )
A.小结节型 B.硬化型 C.厚壁型 D.混合型 E.实块型 我来回答: 提交