The United States has a major racial
problem on its hands. True, Britain is facing a similar problem, but for the
time being it is in America that it is graver. The only way to solve it is
through education. Negroes should know about the contributions that black
individuals and groups have made towards building America. This is of vital
importance for their self-respect, and it is perhaps even more important for
white people to know. For if you believe that a man has no history worth
mentioning, it is easy to assume that he has no value as a man. Many people believe that, since the Negro’s achievements do not appear in the history books, he did not have any. Most people are taken aback when they learn that Negroes sailed with Columbus, marched with the Spanish conquerors of South America and fought sid A. That Negroes were docile was denied by the slaveholders. B. That Negroes were docile was not quite true. C. That Negroes were docile was a lie fostered by their masters. D. That Negroes were docile was sheer nonsense. [简答题]02-22 06:38:21.179 17609 23003 W
A. 伤寒 B. 恶性贫血 C. 猩红热 D. 心肺功能不全 E. 严重脱水 [单项选择]抗躁狂的首选药
A. 碳酸锂 B. 可乐定 C. 维拉帕米 D. 氯丙嗪 E. 卡马西平 [单选题]根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》,施工单位应当在施工组织设计中编制安技术措施和施工现场临时用电方案,对基坑支护与降水工程、土方开挖工程、模板工程、起重吊装工程、脚手架工程、拆除、爆破工程达到一定规模的危险性较大的分部分项工程编制专项施工方案,并附具( ),经施工单位技术负责人、总监理工程师签字后实施,由专职安全生产管理人员进行现场监督。
A.安全用电方案 B.安全实施方案 C.安全施工方案 D.安全验算结果 [单选题]下列对阴道细胞学检查结果描述正确的是
A.正常情况下涂片可以看到底层细胞 B.卵巢功能低下时出现底层细胞 C.轻度低落者底层细胞<10% D.中度低落者底层细胞占10%~20% E.高度低落者底层细胞>20% [单选题]AFTN格式的发电地址前4个字母是( )。
A.地名代码 B.部门代码 C.冠字 D.流水号 [单选题]脊柱骨折病人急救运送方法,下列哪种是正确的
A.用软担架搬运 B.三人平托放于硬板搬运 C.二人抱持搬运 D.一人抱持搬运 E.一人背负搬运 [单选题]现有如下 html 结构
B.依次弹出 0,1,2,3 C.依次弹出 3,3,3,3 D.依次弹出 4,4,4,4 [单选题]相邻两站一站为车站控制而另一站为调度集中控制时,由()办理预告(闭塞)手续。
A.列车调度员 B.车站值班员 C.列车调度员与车站值班员 D.不办理 我来回答: 提交