At its best, any prison is so unnatural
a form of segregation from normal life that-- like too-loving parents and too
zealous religion and all other well-meant violations of individuality-it helps
to prevent the vicitims from resuming when they are let out, any natural role in
human society. At its worst, the prison is almost scientifically designed to
develop by force--ripening every one of the antisocial traits for which we
suppose ourselves to put people into prison (I say "suppose", because actually
we put people into prison only because we don’t know what else to do with them).
The prison makes the man who is sexually abnormal, sexually a maniac. The prison
makes the man who enjoyed beating fellow drunks in a bar-room come out wanting
to kill a policeman. Probably we cannot tomorrow turn all the so-called criminals loose a A. You can’t reform prisoners by kind treatment. B. It is easy to catch diseases such as smallpox in prison. C. Society makes criminalls; it shouldn’t feel it’s done enough for them by creating good prison conditions. D. In any kind of political or social Conditions, it is natural that some people should turn out to be enemies of society. [单项选择]空头避险策略中,下列基差值的变化对于避险策略不利的是( )。
A. 基差值为正,而且绝对值变大 B. 基差值为负,而且绝对值变小 C. 基差值为正,而且绝对值变小 D. 无法判断 [单项选择]
Work is a very important part of life in the United States. Americans spend most of their lives working. For most Americans, their work defines them. They are what they do. What happensd, then, when a person can no longer work [单选题]《关于客运系统推进高速铁路“强基达标、提质增效”工程的实施方案》中,商务座正餐(午、晚餐)以( )为主。
A.热链 B.冷链 C.常温链 D.网络订餐 [单项选择]标志着我国的环境影响评价制度发展到一个新阶段的法律是( )。
A. 《建设项目环境保护管理条例》 B. 《中华人民共和国环境影响评价法》 C. 《中华人民共和国环境保护法》 D. 《中华人民共和国环境保护法(试行)》 [单项选择]JCB-CO5A甲烷指示警报器超限警报点为()
A. 1.00±0.01(%CH4) B. 1.00±0.10(%CH4) C. 1.10±0.01(%CH4) D. 1.10±0.10(%CH4) [单选题]配电站的变压器室内工作,人体与10kV高压设备带电部分应保持()安全距离。
A.0.7m B.1.0m C.1.5m D.3.0m E.略 F.略 [单项选择]去污剂的HLB最适范围是()
A. 3~8 B. 7~9 C. 8~16 D. 13~16 E. 15~18 [单项选择]要在Excel工作表区域A1:A10输入等比数列2、4、8、16…1024,可以在A1单元输入数字2,在A2单元输入公式( ),然后选中A2单元,用鼠标拖动填充柄至A10单元即可。
A. =2$A$1 B. =2$A1 C. =2+$A$1 D. =2+A1 [单选题]对于D,yn联结的三相变压器,带不对称负载时,会产生中性点位移。
A.A、正确 B.B、错误 [判断题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》规定,一节车厢内经营的售货(饭)车不超过2辆,经营过程中人车不得分离。非经营期间,售货(饭)车定位制动存放。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]单选题TA或脑梗死患者服用阿司匹林的目的是
A.A)保护神经细胞 B.B预防复发 C.C)治疗神经功能缺损 D.D)扩张脑血管 E.E)减少自由基损害 [单选题]因注册验资或增资验资开立的临时存款账户在验资期间()。
A.可收可付 B.不收不付 C.只收不付 D.只付不收 [单选题]马克思主义科学地揭示了道德的起源,认为道德起源于( )。
A. 劳动、社会关系等 B. 情感欲望 C. 神的旨意 D. 先天存在的良心 [多选题]多选题
A.对于一台三层交换机,以下说法正确的是() B.三层交换机的一个VLANID有一个对应的MAC地址 C.启用三层地址的每一个VLANID有一个唯一对应的MAC地址 D.启用三层地址的所有VLANID有一个对应的MAC地址 E.可以在一个VLAN上启用多个三层地址 [单项选择]出生1min评多少分属于正常新生儿
A. 10~12分 B. 8~10分 C. 6~8分 D. 4~6分 E. 1~3分 [多选题]下面属于债券在发行与买卖时的关键因素的有( )。
A.价格 B.到期期限 C.票面利率 D.发行人 [判断题]()电缆由线芯和绝缘层两部分组成。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]无缝线路作业轨温条件规定,R=1000m曲线木枕地段,连续扒开道床不超过25m容许作业轨温为()。
A.+15℃~-15℃ B.+15℃~-20℃ C.+10℃~-15℃ D.+15℃~-15℃ [多项选择]以下属于新产品开发策略的有()。
A. 使用统一品牌策略 B. 仿制策略 C. 配角策略 D. 扩散策略 [判断题]质量统计排列图分析是质量成本分析的方法之一.
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]建设工程内不准存放易燃易爆化学危险物品和易燃可燃材料。对易燃易爆化学危险物品和可燃压缩气体容器等,应当统一存放在专用库房内。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]行知小学班主任工作三个学会?
A.短期贷款 B.中期贷款 C.中长期贷款 D.长期贷款 [判断题]按《建规》要求,老年人照料设施应设置火灾自动报警系统。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]从职业性质的层面来说,教师职业是一种专门职业,教师是_
[单项选择]我国民法主要调整平等主体之间所发生的( )
A. 财产关系 B. 社会关系 C. 因果关系 D. 公民关系 E. 经济关系 [单项选择]有专家认为,上世纪80年代以来,通过多种融资渠道进行市场化运作的收费公路,确实从根本上改善了我国的交通条件,但这种市场化运作的公路投价,就是目前遍布全国的设卡收费的高价公路,已经成为影响我国经济持续快速健康发展的一个硬约束。
这段文字意在说明( )。
A. 公路采取市场化运作并非明智之举 B. 经济健康发展需要改变公路高价收费的现状 C. 采用市场化运作的公路投资管理体制得不偿失 D. 公路市场化运作是改善我国交通条件的必要条件 [单项选择] Navigation computers, now sold by most car-makers, cost $ 2,000 and up. No surprise, then, that they are most often found in luxury cars, like Lexus, BMW and Audi. But it is a developing technology — meaning prices should eventually drop — and the market does seem to be growing.
Even at current prices, a navigation computer is impressive. It can guide you from point to point in most major cities with precise turn-by-turn directions — spoken by a clear human-sounding voice, and written on a screen in front of the driver.
The computer works with an antenna (天线) that takes signals from no fewer than three of the 24 global positioning system (GPS) satellites. By measuring the time required for a signal to travel between the satellites and the antenna, the car’’s location can be pinned down within 100 meters.
The satellite signals, along with inputs on speed from a wheel-speed sensor and direction from a meter, determine the car’’s position even as it moves. This informat
A. by means of a direction finder and a speed detector B. basically on satellite signals and a map database C. mainly through the reception of turn-by-turn directions D. by using a screen to display satellite signals [不定项选择题]4个月女婴,突然惊颁发作,患儿从出生后牛奶喂养,未加辅食,近一日流涕,时有哭闹,但无发热及咳嗽,不呕吐,二便正常,查体:体温37.80c,面色灰白,双眼上翻,面部肌肉颤动,四肢抖动,心肺正常,前囟平坦,颈强(-),枕部有乒乓球感。
首选的急救措施为( )。
A.立即给予10%水合氯醛3ml灌肠,然后给予葡萄糖酸钙静注 B.立即给予维生素D330万U(75μg)肌注,然后给予葡萄糖酸钙 C.立即给予10%葡萄糖酸钙5~10ml,加10%的葡萄糖10~20ml静注 D.立即选择青霉素静点,同时给予鲁米那肌注 E.20%甘露醇静注0.5~1g/(kg·次),同时肌注鲁米那 [判断题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》,携带型接地线宜存放在专用架上,架上的号码与接地线的号码可以不一致。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交