An adult giraffe’s head is about six
feet above its heart. This means that to{{U}} (67) {{/U}} enough blood
up to the brain the circulatory{{U}} (68) {{/U}} must be strong enough
to keep the blood at very high pressure. Biologists have known for some time that giraffes solve this problem by having{{U}} (69) {{/U}} high blood pressure, about{{U}} (70) {{/U}} that of human beings. But an international team of biologists began to{{U}} (71) {{/U}} about this. If giraffes have such high blood pressure, they should have a{{U}} (72) {{/U}} problem with swelling in their legs and feet. Why don’t giraffes have swollen feet Giraffes should have{{U}} (73) {{/U}} problem, too. Every time they bend heads{{U}} (74) {{/U}} to drink, the blood should{{U}} (75) {{/U}} to their heads and have a hard time{{U}} (76) {{/U}} back up (w A. giraffes B. animals C. people D. creatures [填空题]用户终端盒应该统一安装在(),而且临近有()的地方。
A. 利尿剂 B. 洋地黄 C. 血管扩张剂 D. 激素 E. 钙拮抗剂 [判断题]人民法院判决被告重新作出行政行为的,被告不得以同一的事实和理由作出与原行政行为基本相同的行政行为。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( )因冷凝物排放阀漏气造成空气充填泵压缩机段输出不足时,应更新胶钉,拧紧排放阀。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在办理胡某故意伤害案时,需要辨认人对胡某进行辨认。如果用照片进行辨认的话,照片数量不得少于:
A.5 张 B.7 张 C.9 张 D.10 张 [名词解释]走向节理
A. 当您拐弯太猛并且撞到了路内侧的边缘 B. 当您因为错误的判断角度,拐入路口右侧时进入了错误的方向 C. 当后车轮开始向您拐弯的相反方向滑动 [多选题]四不放过原则是()
A.投诉原因分析不清不放过 B.责任人和其他员工没有受到教育不放过 C.未制定防范整改措施不放过 D.没下通报不放过 E.责任者没有受到严肃处理不放过 [判断题]在减容期限内要求恢复用电时,应在五天前向供电企业办理恢复用电手续,基本电费从申请之日起计收。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]旅客列车配备的红十字药箱药品、器械和材料,分为甲、乙、丙三类。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]免疫系统不包括()
A. 免疫组织 B. 免疫器官 C. 免疫细胞 D. 免疫分子 E. 免疫应答 [单选题]以下关于ADS-B Out的表述正确的是(5063)
A.具有ADS-B Out功能的设备只能安装在飞机上 B.具有ADS-B Out功能的设备只能安装在地面车辆上 C.具有ADS-B Out功能的设备既能安装在飞机上又能安装在地面车辆上 D.习机与车辆上都不能安装 [单项选择]以下关于TAP(分路器)设备的描述中,错误的是()。
A. TAP可以对交换式网络中的数据包进行分析和处理 B. 可以将TAP的引出线先汇接到集线器,然后再连接到单个监控端口的探测器 C. 如果TAP发生电源故障,则其所在网段上的通信将中断 D. TAP阻止建立与入侵检测系统的直接连接,从而保护它不受攻击 [单项选择]For three decades we’ve heard endlessly about the virtues of aerobic(increasing oxygen consumption)exercise. Medical authorities have praised running and jumping as the key to good health, and millions of Americans have taken to the treadmill (踏车) to reap the rewards. But the story is changing. Everyone from the American Heart Association to the surgeon general’s office has recently embraced strength training as a complement to aerobics. And as weight lifting has gone mainstream, so has the once obscure practice known as "Super Slow" training. Enthusiasts claim that by pumping iron at a snail’s pace-making each "rep" (repeat) last 14 seconds instead of the usual seven—you can safely place extraordinary demands on your muscles, and call forth an extraordinary response. Slow lifting may not be the only exercise you need, as some advocates believe, but the benefits are often dramatic.
Almost anyone can handle this routine. The only requirements are complete focus and a tolerance fo A. without using any driving force B. without movement of their body C. with unbearable iron weights D. with the feeling of muscle failure [单项选择]超声波测量流速的原理是流速不同会使超声波的()发生变化
A. 幅度 B. 相位 C. 方向 D. 传播速度 [多选题]齐步行进过程中两臂前后自然摆 动,向前摆臂时,肘部弯曲,小臂自然向里合,手心向内稍向下, 拇指根部对正衣扣线,并高于春秋常服或者冬常服最下方衣扣约( )厘米,离身体约( )厘米
A.5 B.10 C.20 D.30 [单项选择]( )维护国家主权和安全,对进出我国国(边)境的外国人(包括无国籍人)和我国公民进行管理。
A. 边防警察 B. 治安警察 C. 外事警察 D. 巡逻警察 [单选题]国家推进网络安全社会化服务体系建设,鼓励有关企业、机构开展网络安全认证、检测和( )等安全服务。
A.应急处置 B.保护 C.管理 D.风险评估 我来回答: 提交