Watch a baby between six and nine
months old, and you will observe the basic concepts of geometry being learned.
Once the baby has mastered the idea that space is three-dimensional, it reaches
out and begins grasping various kinds of objects. It is then, from perhaps nine
to fifteen months, that the concepts of sets and numbers are formed. So far, so
good. But now an ominous development takes place. The nerve fibers in the brain
insulate themselves in such a way that the baby begins to hear sounds very
precisely. Soon it picks up language, and it is then brought into direct
communication with adults. From this point on, it is usually downhill all the
way for mathematics, because the child now becomes exposed to all the nonsense
words and beliefs of the community into which it has been so unfortunate as to
have been born. Nature, having done very well by the A. The language concepts used in early education interfere with mathematical reasoning. B. It is hopeless to try to teach children mathematics after the age of two. C. Language teaching should incorporate some mathematical formulas. D. Preschool education should stress society’s beliefs and conventions. [单选题]《中国石化安全风险评估指导意见》规定:()风险,原则上应列入各级风险清单。
A.低和一般 B.一般和较小 C.较小和较大 D.较大和重大 [判断题]注意架空及地面的输电线路,禁止随意触摸各种配电柜、电器开关,防止意外触电。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]为使晶体管放大电路各项性能得到改善,一般来讲是靠降低()来换取的。
[单选题]心电图检查对下列哪项不能做出直接诊断( )
A.心律失常 B.心室肥大 C.心功能级别 D.血钾水平 E.心肌梗死 [判断题]严禁在邻线或两线间避车,疲劳时可短暂坐卧箱盒、硬面基础。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]《医师案头参考》缩写()
A. USP B. PDR C. BA D. BP E. CHP [单项选择]The market for (manufactured goods) is (which) economists call "imperfect," because each company has its own style; and all of the arts of advertisement and salesmanship are devoted (to making) it (even more imperfect) by attracting buyers to particular brand names.
A. manufactured goods B. which C. to making D. even more imperfect [单项选择]在临床医学研究开始之前,必须要把研究方案提交到哪个部门进行审查()
A. 医院党委 B. 科研处 C. 科研评定委员会 D. 伦理委员会 E. 患者所在病房的领导 [单项选择]多级上行文( )
A. 只有在少数特殊情况下才可以采用 B. 是上行文最基本的行文方式 C. 是上行文一般使用的行文方式 D. 只有在少数十分特殊必要的情况才可以采用 [判断题]影剧院观众厅发生火灾时,在扑救时应在屋顶外两侧设置水枪阵地,堵截火势由闷顶内向舞台、放映室蔓延)(易)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]实际燃烧温度都( )理论燃烧温度。
A.高于 B.低于 C.等于 D.不能比较 [判断题]国家富强,是指我国综合国力进一步增强,中国特色社会主义事业建成。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]动、静触头接触电阻不大于(____),触头表面应保持光洁,无氧化变质、过热烧痕、碰伤及镀层脱落。
A.100μΩ B.200μΩ C.350μΩ D.500μΩ [多选题]机器产生的机械危险条件主要有以下几点( )。
A.形状和表面性能 B.相对位置 C.质量和稳定性 D.质量和速度(加速度) E.机械强度 [单项选择]关于团体人寿保险的特征,下列说法不正确的是()。
A. 在保险实务中,投保团体人寿保险需要体检或提供其他可保证明 B. 团体人寿保险用一张总的保险单为成百上千甚至更多的人提供保险、保障 C. 团体人寿保险由于采取集体投保的方式,具有规模经营效益的特点,使团体可以以较低的保费获得较高的保险保障 D. 与普通个人保险的保单相比,团体人寿保险单并非必须是事先印好且一字不可更改的 我来回答: 提交