In the world of management, employees
are nonexempt or exempt, depending on whether they get paid for overtime or
not. (21) a creative scientist, like a creative artist, does
not see his or her time. The very idea of a creative scientist (22)
out time sheets is ludicrous. Fascination in science cannot be turned
on or off on (23) The creative mind continues to wander
(24) the body eats, exercises, or sleeps. Interruptions in or
out of the laboratory, the library, the office or the home study may
(25) a promising effort. (26) the
well-established practice of moonlighting. Do what you need to do to keep the
wolf (27) from the door, the world (28)
your thesis adviser, team leader, or laboratory director. Then use the
rest of your time, perhaps at night or on the weekends, to do (29)
you r A. is B. having C. being D. be [单项选择]行政裁决的对象是()。
A. 特定的民事纠纷 B. 特定的行政纠纷 C. 特定的经济纠纷 D. 特定的刑事纠纷 [单项选择]某单位将对外提供服务的服务器部署在防火墙DMZ区,为了检测到该区域中的服务器受到的攻击行为,应将防火墙探头接口镜像哪个位置的流量?()
A. 内网核心交换机 B. 防火墙互联网接口 C. 防火墙DMZ区接口 D. 以上都可以 [不定项选择题]A.四神聪
A.百会、神门 B.百会、命门 C.命门 D.肾俞 E.遗尿多梦者,宜加用 [简答题]简析国民大革命的历史意义。
A. 安全交底 B. 交接手续 C. 许可手续 D. 开工手续 [单项选择]The educational system in the United States is based on________.
A. the Federal Government B. the individual school C. the respective state D. the local communities [单项选择]银行业从业人员应当尊重同事。下列不属于尊重同事行为的是( )。
A. 不因同事健康状况差而歧视同事 B. 不向他人透露同事违反机构内部规章制度的行为 C. 不剽窃同事的工作成果 D. 不向他人透露工作中接触到的同事的隐私 [多选题]TVM更换钱箱的时机()。
A.SC 提示 TVM 钱箱将满时 B.TVM恢复正常服务状态后 C.各站结合本站具体情况制定的更换钱箱的固定时间 D.结算日的规定时间内 [多选题]
国家责任 Which agreements about state responsibility are correct? A. State responsibility reflects that state or other political entities possessing international personality must be legally responsible for a breach of an international obligation. B. A state is liable for unlawful acts or omissions which cause other states or nationals of other states suffering. C. A state is to be rendered liable only for actions which may be attributed or imputable to the state. D. A state may be liable for an unlawful act even though it was beyond the legal capacity of a state organ involved. [单选题]直线轨距标准为()。
A.1430mm B.1435mm C.1445mm D.1455mm [多选题]电缆故障声测定点时,禁止直接用手触摸( ),以免触电。
A.电缆外皮 B.电缆支架 C.冒烟小洞 D.电缆管道 [单选题]在易燃易爆系统抽加盲板时,还要保持系统( ),防止空气吸人。
A.正压 B. 微正压 C. 负压 D. 标准大气压 [单项选择]牵拉胆囊、游离胆囊床()
A. 心动过缓、血压下降 B. 心率加快、血压升高 C. 心率加快、血压下降 D. 心率减慢、血压升高 E. 心率、血压不变 [填空题]常用的内部过电压的防护措施有()和()。
[单选题]钩头各配合零件磨耗过限未予焊修,会导致车辆( )。
A.在直道运行时自动脱钩 B.在编组时解钩不良 C.编组时连挂不良 D.在弯道运行时自动脱钩 [简答题] 工作负责人的安全责任有哪些?
[单选题]非手术治疗在腰椎间盘突出症占( )
A.0.9 B.0.8 C.0.7 D.0.6 E.0.5 [填空题]迳流式水电站属()水电站,水来多少就只能用多少,因此,迳流式电站只能承担()部分。
A. 最小 B. 为零 C. 最大 D. 负值 [简答题]弹条扣件的弹条中部前端下颚应靠贴轨距挡板( )或扭矩应保持在80~150 N•m。
A.假名 B.冒名 C.错误信息更正 D.借名贷款 [单项选择]病人在戴上大腿假肢后出现外展步态,可能的原因有
A. 假肢长度过短 B. 假肢外旋过度 C. 假肢过轻 D. 假肢长度过长 E. 接受腔过松 [填空题]省调根据华北电力调控分中心低频、低压减负荷的( )原则,制定内蒙古电网低频、低压减负荷总体方案,地调根据省调的整定方案编制本地区电网低频、低压减负荷整定方案并负责方案实施。各级调控机构的整定方案应报( )备案。
[多选题]安全工器具使用前的外观检查应包括绝缘部分有无( ),固定连接部分有无松动、锈蚀、断裂等现象。
A.裂纹 B.老化 C.绝缘层脱落 D.严重伤痕 我来回答: 提交