Too Late to Regret It{{/B}} When I was a junior, I met a second-year student in my department. He wasn’t tall or good-looking, but he was very nice, attractive and athletic. He had something that I admired very much. He was natural, warm, and sincere. I disregarded (不顾) my parents’ disapproval. We were very happy together. He picked me up from my dorm every morning, and after class we would sit alongside the stream that ran through campus, or sunbathe (晒太阳) on the lawn. At night he would walk me back to my dorm. He came from a poor family, but in order to make me happy, he borrowed money from his friend to buy presents and meals for me. Our fellow students looked up to him as a role model, and the girls envied (妒忌) me. He wasn’t a local, but wanted to stay here after graduation. I thought we ha A. very happy. B. extremely joyful. C. quite relieved. D. in great pain. [多选题]放、紧线前,应检查确认导线有无障碍物挂住,导线与牵引绳的连接应可靠,线盘架应( )。
A.美观清洁 B.稳固可靠 C.转动灵活 D.制动可靠 [单项选择]投资于面额为100元,期限为5年,票息率为5%的国债,若想获得4%的到期收益率,则应该以( )元的价格买入该债券。
A. 104.65 B. 104.45 C. 105.25 D. 98.5 [单项选择]男孩8岁,7月份在南方水区度暑假,常到水塘游泳。1个月后出现发热,晚上体温达39~39.5℃,且症状重,有时出现烦躁不安;而晨起又降至35~36℃,症状减轻,无寒颤。轻度腹痛、腹泻,大便呈黏液或脓血便。皮肤可见出血点,就诊时持续已2周。体检:T39.5℃,P80次/分,皮肤可见出血点,心肺正常,腹软,肝剑突下4cm,余正常。白细胞17乘以十的九次方/L,红细胞4.3乘以十的十二次方/L,血小板115乘以十的九次方/L,中性粒细胞0.40,淋巴细胞0.15,嗜酸性粒细胞0.45。如需确诊,下列最重要的检查是()
A. 肝功能 B. 免疫学检查 C. 粪便直接涂片检查 D. 肝B超检查 E. CT扫描 [单选题] 下列调查取证方式中,不需要审批的是( )。
A. 传唤 B. 重新鉴定 C. 扣押 D. 先行登记保存 [单项选择]教材包括()。
A. 教科书 B. CAI软件 C. 教学参考书 D. 以上三者皆是 [单选题]因注册验资或增资验资开立的临时存款账户在验资期间()。
A.可收可付 B.不收不付 C.只收不付 D.只付不收 [单项选择]55~75螺杆式空压机冷却系统冷却水水压最高不得超过()。
A. 0.25MPa B. 0.35MPa C. 0.34MPa D. 0.50MPa [单项选择]提高支柱绝缘子沿面放电的措施有增高支柱绝缘子和()。
A. 绝缘子加粗 B. 绝缘子变细 C. 水平安装 D. 装设均压环 我来回答: 提交