Are some people born clever and others
born stupid Or is intelligence developed by our environment and our experience
Strangely enough, the answer to these questions is yes. To some extent, our
intelligence is given us at birth. On the other hand, a child who lives in
boring environment will develop his intelligence less than one who lives in rich
and varied surroundings. Thus the limits of a person’s intelligence are fixed at
birth, whether or, not he reaches those limits will depend on his environment.
This view, now held by most exports, can be supported in a number of
ways. It A. the importance of their intelligence B. the importance of their positions C. the role of environment on intelligence D. the part that birth plays [单项选择]属于生物膜组成成分的物质是()(P161页第34行)
A. 丙酮酸 B. 乳糖 C. 磷脂 D. 乙酸 E. 甘油 [多项选择]发生( )情况时,抵押权人有权要求处分抵押的房地产。
A. 抵押人死亡或者被宣告死亡而无人代为履行到期债务的 B. 抵押人被依法宣告解散或者破产的 C. 抵押人违反规定擅自处分抵押房地产的 D. 债务履行期满,抵押权人未受偿且又未能与抵押人达成延期履行协议的 E. 抵押人死亡,其合法继承人同意到期履行债务的 [单选题]严格执行“先培训、后上岗”制度,岗前脱产培训时间不得少于( )学时。经考试和鉴定合格后,持证上岗。
A.8 B.16 C.24 D.32 [单选题]轨旁ATB折返(无人自动折返):DTI显示为0时,按压轨旁“ATB”按钮( )s以上
A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6 [判断题]华为 Oceanstor9000 告警通知方式包括邮件通知和短信通知。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]参加涉外活动,或者出国执行任务时,应当坚持礼仪对等原则,遵循相关( )的规定。
A.相关国际惯例 B.有关外事礼节 C.外事要求 D.礼仪 [判断题]消防员参加抢险救援战斗时,应根据灾害事故性质和危险特性,按照最高等级佩戴相应特种防护装备。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]张三丰与柳思思于2006年1月10日登记结婚,下列哪项主体无权申请宣告此婚姻无效
A. 张三丰的外祖父以柳思思重婚为由申请宣告婚姻无效 B. 柳思思的姐姐以柳思思未达到法定婚龄为由申请宣告婚姻无效 C. 张三丰的母亲以张三丰、柳思思有禁止结婚的亲属关系为由申请宣告婚姻无效 D. 张三丰婚前患有麻风病,婚后尚未治愈,张三丰与柳思思所在的村委会以此为由宣告婚姻无效 我来回答: 提交