To be a good teacher, you need some of
the gifts of a good actor: you must be able to{{U}} (62) {{/U}}the
attention and interest of your students; you must be a{{U}} (63)
{{/U}}speaker, with a good, strong,{{U}} (64) {{/U}}voice which is
fully under your control; and you must be able to{{U}} (65) {{/U}}what
you are teaching in order to make its meaning clear.{{U}} (66) {{/U}}a
good teacher and you will see that he does not sit still{{U}} (67)
{{/U}}his Class: he stands the whole time when he is teaching; he walks
about, using his{{U}} (68) {{/U}}, hands and fingers to help him in his
explanations, and his face to express feelings. Listen to him, and you will{{U}}
(69) {{/U}}the loudness, the quality and the musical note of his voice
always{{U}} (70) {{/U}}according to what he is{{U}} (71)
{{/U}}about. The fact that a good tea A. act B. say C. talk D. repeat [单选题]良好的职业道德可以创造良好的( ),有力于保障个人的合法利益。
A.经济效益 B.社会效益 C.工作环境 D.社会环境 [单选题]无极绳绞车的电动机带动主动轮转动,通过( )传递,钢丝绳绕主动轮和尾轮不停地转动。
A.牵引力 B.摩擦力 C.传动力 D.咬合力 [单选题]下列地点中()不属于车站治安防范的重点部位。
A.编码室 B.休息室 C.更衣室 D.车控室 [单选题]关于个案管理的说法,正确的是()。
A.个案管理就是社会工作者在服务过程中管理好服务对象 B.个案管理就是为服务对象的特殊需要提供各类直接的服务 C.个案管理就是把每个服务对象的档案建成电子文档管理好,以便随时查询 D.个案管理就是社会工作者协调和管理好各种资源,满足服务对象的多种需要 [单项选择]继发性免疫缺陷病的治疗()
A. 与遗传无关 B. 与性别相关 C. 效果好 D. 效果差 E. 与后天无关 [判断题] ( )加强职工的职业道德修养有利于提高企业的竞争力。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]根据《商业银行法》的规定,商业银行不能从事( )的业务。
A. 贷款承诺 B. 信用证 C. 向企业投资 D. 投资国债 [单选题]单相弧光接地过电压主要发生在( )的电网中。
A.中性点直接接地; B.中性点经消弧线圈接地; C.中性点经小电阻接地; D.中性点不接地。 [判断题]当无砟轨道区段轨枕板积雪厚度10厘米以上时,限速250公里/小时及以下。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]ZY2000/14/31型液压支架的供液压力管路的压力为()MPa。
A. 31 B. 31.4 C. 314 D. 0.314 [单项选择]广播节目系统构建的最后一个环节是()
A. 节目推广 B. 选择形象代言人 C. 整合协调 D. 定位 [单项选择]Which of the following statements is NOT true, according to the passage you have just heard
A. Most of the kids who joined the gang live in slums. B. The policemen are very effective as they are expected. C. Gangs are also doing some recruiting propaganda. D. Television violence has also an influence on children. [单选题]调车作业挂车时,没有连挂妥当,不得( )。
A.动车 B.接软管 C.提开车钩 D.撤除防溜措施 [单选题]赵某,男性,26 岁,因支原体肺炎人院,给红霉素静脉滴注,今日下午发现注射部位沿静脉走向出现条索状红线,并有红肿热痛,护理措施中不妥的一项是()
A.局部理疗 B.硫酸镁湿敷 C.更换注射部位 D.增加患肢活动 E.抬高患肢 我来回答: 提交