While most armies in the world shun
their use, and military authorities exclude them from warfare, the technology to
produce biological and chemical weapons is widely available around the world.
{{U}} (67) {{/U}}, these weapons are cheap, easy to conceal, and very
{{U}} (68) {{/U}}. Since September 11, 2001, biological weapons
{{U}} (69) {{/U}} to have become the weapon of choice among the desperate
{{U}} (70) {{/U}} of the world. Some people are worried chemical
warfare may {{U}} (71) {{/U}}, which would bring an unbelievable disaster
to the whole world. Chemical weapons are {{U}} (72) {{/U}}in variety. Their effectiveness can be{{U}} (73) {{/U}} by several factors, including age, {{U}} (74) {{/U}}, weather conditions, and choice of dissemination. They include nerve agents, blister agents, and choking agents, all of {{U}} (75) A. via B. in C. at D. for [多选题]基层经常性主要工作是( )等。
A.落实战备工作 B.抓好训练工作 C.做好消防监督执法工作 D.加强思想政治教育和文化、保卫工作 [多选题]《区间换乘热备动车组的应急处置措施》遇有空调故障无法修复时,列车长要第一时间向段生产指挥中心室和车队汇报,汇报内容包括车次、车体号、( )、车内情况、处置情况、旅客需求、困难等。
A.运行区间 B.故障原因 C.车内温度 D.旅客乘车人数 [单选题]CNG运输汽车加气,卸气或回厂后应在( )停放。
A.随地 B.指定地点 [单选题]322.[单选] 繁忙干线行车中断1小时以上。构成( )事故。
A.A.重大 B.B.较大 C.C.一般A类 D.D.一般B类 [单项选择]尿道损伤病人首选哪种方法
A. 导尿 B. B超 C. 尿道造影 D. 尿道探子 E. 膀胱镜检查 [单选题]下面( )属于保养工作范围。
A.支座清扫 B.支座涂油 C.增设防爬角钢 D.更换锚螺栓 我来回答: 提交