{{B}}China Enters
Cyberspace{{/B}} Although research into the Internet began in the 1980’s in China, it was not until the mid 90’s that the country cautiously joined the information highway. These days however, it seems that China is ready to jump onto the "Net" with both feet. Personal Computers (PCs) are the hottest selling item on the market in major Chinese cities. At night, hundreds of Chinese who don’t own a PC crowd into the now familiar Internet Cafes, where Net time costs US $3.60 an hour. Web sites from around the world can be flashing on the screens of most high-tech companies, and many believe the Ne A. guide B. control C. entertain D. educate [多项选择]患者男,36岁,因醉酒闹事被人砍伤多处,于午夜1点急症入院行清创缝合术,术前曾大量进食,患者大量失血,昏迷,生命垂危,需紧急在全麻下行清创和探查术。提问:当患者在麻醉诱导时出现呕吐和误吸,处理正确的是?()
A. 迅速吸引清理呼吸道 B. 由于喉罩插入快速和操作简便,因此喉罩的应用对误吸的预防优于气管插管 C. 尽快完成气管插管 D. 大剂量碳酸氢钠反复气管内冲洗,中和胃酸(气管插管后) E. 正压通气,确保氧合 F. 大剂量氢化可的松静脉注射对误吸有确定的疗效 [多选题]消防战斗员应具备以下条件?()
A.初次进入消防战斗员岗位在30岁内; B.具有高中以上文化水平; C.身体条件符合《消防员职业健康标准》; D.须经过岗前培训并考核合格; [单选题]邮局押运人员免费乘车证,只限乘坐( )。
A.邮车 B.铁路指定位置 C.列车指定位置 D.邮车及铁路指定位置 [单项选择] Directions: There are 15 questions in this part of the test. Read the passage through. Then go back and choose one suitable word or phrase marked A, B, C or D for each blank in the passage. Mark the corresponding letter of the word or phrase you have chosen with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet.