We first think of the traditional or
nuclear family. This is a two-generation family, the father and the mother and
their own children. Most couples wanted to have four children, two boys, two
girls. Some nuclear families, however, may add one or more grandparents to come m live with them, that is three generations. This kind of family with grandparents, parents, and grandchildren is called an extended family. This family type was not very common during the later half of the twentieth century, but it’s becoming more common now as an elderly grandparent moves in to A. A blended family is formed by two single-parent families. B. A blended family is formed by a nuclear family and a grandparent. C. A blended family is formed by a nuclear family and grandparents. D. A blended family is formed by two fatherless families. [单项选择]被誉为“指挥之王”的是()。
A. 托斯卡尼尼 B. 赫伯特•冯•卡拉扬 C. 布鲁诺•瓦尔特 D. 克劳迪奥•阿巴多 [单选题]公路监督检查的专用车辆,应当依照 的规定,设置统一的标志和示警灯。( )
A. 公路法 B. 道路交通安全法 C. 公路安全保护条例 D. 公路管理条例 [单项选择]下列哪种方法对减少或消除流行病学研究中的偏倚无效()。
A. 遵循随机化原则 B. 选择适宜的研究对象 C. 增加样本量 D. 严格的质量控制 E. 实施盲法 [判断题]防护栅栏应按规定及时安排维修和更新改造,确保栅栏防护功能有效、符合要求。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]夜间巡线应携带足够的()。
A.干粮 B.照明用具 C.急救药品 D.防身器材 E.略 F.略 [填空题]工艺定型前,允许采用简化办法对生产现场的工艺文件进行更改。现场处理完后应在()小时内补完规定的更改手续。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]全网稽核业务主要针对人为原因造成的少交、未交、拒交通行费行为包括( )等。
A.收费人员不规范操作 B.收费经营管理单位管理漏洞 C.发行方违规发行 D.车辆驾驶人员恶意逃费 E.使用虚假证件 [多选题] 对消防行政行为申请行政复议的申请期限表述正确的有()。
A.申请人在知道具体行政行为之日起60日内申请复议 B.申请人在知道具体行政行为之日起15日内申请复议 C.因不可抗力耽误法定申请期限的,申请期限自障碍消除之日起继续计算 D.即使因不可抗力耽误法定申请期限的,申请期限也不停止计算 E.行政复议期限不存在中断.中止问题 我来回答: 提交