Doubts and Debates over the Worth of
MBA Bill Gates, the billionaire Microsoft chairman without a single earned university degree, is by his success raising new doubts about the worth of the business world’s favorite academic title: the MBA ( Master of Business Administration). The MBA, a 20th-century product always has borne the mark of lowly commerce and greed (贪婪) on the tree-lined campuses ruled by purer disciplines such as philosophy and literature. But even with the recession apparently cutting into the hiring of business school graduates, about 79,000 people are expected to receive MBAs in 1993. This is nearly 16 times the number of business graduates in 1960, a testimony to the widespread assumption that the MBA is vital for young me A. can climb the corporate ladder fairly quickly B. cherish unrealistic expectations about their future C. quit their jobs once they are familiar with their workmates D. receive salaries that do not match their professional training [单选题]公务电话系统网管不具备( )功能。
A.配置管理、告警管理、安全管理 B.拓扑管理 C.电源管理 D.日志管理、任务管理 [简答题]如何进行盘车空转试验?
A. 作业技术交底 B. 作业活动的实施的自检自查 C. 作业质量的自检自查 D. 专职管理人员的质量检查 E. 作业质量会诊 [单选题](单选题)以下选项中,不属于谐波减速器优点的是( )。
A.结构复杂 B.零件数少 C.安装方便 D.体积小、重量轻 [判断题]起重机操纵控制器时必须从零挡开始,逐级推到所需要的挡位。传动装置作反方向运动时,控制器先回零位,然后再逐挡逆向操作,禁止越挡操作和急开急停。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]残疾人社会工作的目的与宗旨是帮助残疾人( )。
A. 增强自助能力 B. 提高社会地位 C. 改变世界观 D. 促进与社会的融合 [判断题]气瓶搬运应使用专门的抬架或手推车。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
[听力原文]6-7 A. He doesn’t have time to see a doctor. B. He has a toothache. C. There is something wrong with his false teeth. D. The doctor refuses to see him. [单选题]调整轨缝作业使用短轨头时,拉开的最大空隙不得超过( )mm。
A.180 B.170 C.160 D.150 [简答题]简述工业控制机的特点。
Drug use is rising dramatically among the nation’s youth after a decade of decline. From 1993 to 1994, marijuana use among young people (1) from 12 to 17 jumped 50 percent. One in five high school seniors (2) marijuana daily. Monitoring the Future, which (3) student drug use annually, reports that negative attitudes about drugs have declined for the fourth year in a row. (4) young people see great risk in using drugs. Mood-altering pharmaceutical drugs are (5) new popularity among young people. Ritalin, (6) as a diet pill in the 1970s and now used to (7) hyperactive children, has become a (8) drug on college campuses. A central nervous system (9) , Ritalin can cause strokes, hypertension, and seizures. Rohypnol, produced in Europe as a (10) tranquilizer, lowers inhibitions and suppresses short-term memory, which has led to some women being raped by men they are going out with. (11) taken [填空题]二氧化碳接触塔中( )有利于二氧化碳的吸收。
A. 单位存款记账凭证 B. 单位转账记账凭证 C. 结算存款凭证 D. 结算转账凭证 [单选题]居住在境内的不满()周岁的中国公民,应由监护人代理开立个人银行账户,出具监护人的有效身份证件以及账户使用人的居民身份证或户口簿。( )
A.12 B.14 C.16 D.18 [简答题]㠁3】事故经过: 220kV某线解只工程中的E14~E21基础,由某单位外包给某电气安装有限公司施工。 (使用机具由承包单位自供) 98年10月12.日上午11: 30左右开始进行E17桩位Ⅲ腿基础浇制,12:40 分左右,发电机出现故障自动停机。搅拌机操作员拉开电源刀闸后,对发电机进行检修,12:58 左右修复重新启动发电。甲某合上发电机出口刀闸后,跑回搅拌机旁准备合上搅拌机电源刀闸,重新启动搅拌机。这时推砂采工人乙某刚好走到揽拌机旁与甲某靠在一起,当在甲某合开关过程中误碰上外完已破损的带电出口刀口,致使两人同时触电。在场人量见状马上拉开发电机出口刀闸,井对两人进行人工呼吸抢救。甲某经3分钟左右人工呼吸已苏醒,经诊断一切正常,乙某抢救无效死亡。
事故原因:搅拌机抽水水泵刀闸左上角破损且搅拌机控制开关距水泵开关不足200mm,在操作搅拌机时容易发生触电事故,是事故的直接原因;没有按要求装设漏电保护装置,发电机、搅拌机外壳没有采用保护接地是事故的主要原因;外包施工队伍安全管理混乱,未能及时消除设备隐患是事故的次要原因。 问题:这起事故发生后,现场人员及时进行人工呼吸,救活了一位员工。人工呼吸是现场抢救的有效手段之一,请简述人工呼吸的要点是什么? [单项选择]消费者在购买时介入程度最高的消费品的类型是
A. 便利品 B. 选购品 C. 特殊品 D. 非寻求品 [单选题]王女士是一名乳腺癌早期患者,她觉得是因为自己“上辈子作了孽”,才被如此惩罚,性格变得越来越自卑和孤僻,不肯继续接受化疗,身体状况进一步恶化。她的主治医生请医务社会工作者小乔协助解决王女士的问题。小乔在与王女士几次沟通后,决定运用认知行为理论帮助她。下列介入措施中,体现小乔扮演教育者角色的是( )。
A.与王女士探讨其思维方式,并讨论其认知错误 B.帮助王女士运用科学知识进行反思、修正行为 C.与王女士一起讨论确定行为修正的目标及策略 D.协助王女士养成良好的习惯,调整自己的生活 [单选题]各车站每侧站台均设有( )个紧急停车按钮(ESB)。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 我来回答: 提交