提示 镜下进一步观察:浸润的未成熟的淋巴细胞和浆细胞。免疫组织化学染色:CD20(+),CD3(+),CD68(+),κ(+),λ(+);Warthin-Starry浸银染色查见螺旋体。病理诊断为() It’s navel gazing time again, that
stretch of the year when many of us turn our attention inward and think about
how we can improve the way we live our lives. But as we embark on this annual
ritual of introspection, we would do well to ask ourselves a simple question:
Does it really do any good The poet Theodore Roethke had some insight into the matter: "Self-contemplation is a curse that makes an old confusion worse." As a psychologist, I think Roethke had a point, one that’s supported by a growing body of controlled psychological studies. In a study I conducted with Dolores Kraft, a clinical psychologist, and Dana Dunn, a social psychologist, people in one group were asked to list the reasons their relationship with a romantic partner was going the way it was, and then rate how satisfied they were with the relationship. A. Leave them alone to adjust their emotions. B. Provide them with consultation about their jobs. C. Help them figure out what has happened. D. Discuss with them how to do it better next time. [单项选择]流通部门最典型的废弃物是()。
A. 被捆包的物体解捆以后所产生的废弃捆包材料 B. 装备、设施和劳动工具的报废 C. 工艺性排放物 D. 办公室废纸 [多项选择]断路器自动重合闸能力是考核断路器的()。
A. 动作的可靠性 B. 断流容量 C. 灭弧能力 D. 各部分机械性能 [单选题]我国将模糊论的方法运用于教育研究开始于( )
A.20世纪前后 B.20世纪40年代 C.20世纪60年代 D.20世纪80年代 [单选题]道口警标应每侧道路各设一个,设于距道口处最外股道外侧钢轨( )处。
A.20m B.10~20m C.20~50m D.50m以外 [单选题]乳剂放置后出现分散相粒子上浮或下沉的现象,这种现象是乳剂的
A.分层 B.絮凝 C.转相 D.破裂 E.酸败 [单项选择]本年度发现以前年度错账,应填制()记账凭证处理,选择相关子系统借记过渡或贷记过渡的交易进行账务处理。
A. 蓝字同方向 B. 红字反方向 C. 蓝字反方向 D. 红字同方向 [判断题]安全与生产的关系是,生产是目的,安全是前提,安全为了生产,生产必须安全。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]外委工程施工现场应配备相应的安全、职业病防护用品(具)及防火设施与器材、应急照明、安全通道、应急药品、应急物资等。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交