Competitors complain that Microsoft’s
recent settlement of their antitrust case with the federal government will do
little to protect them or consumers from the software giant’s monopoly power.
But they hold out hope that state attorney generals could make the deal more
restrictive. "My guess is that all Bill Gates could do was to suppress a big
grin when he held his press conference this morning," said Mitchell Kertz-man,
chief executive of Liberate Technologies, a rival provider of software for
interactive TV. "This settlement does not come close to matching the scope of
the violation of antitrust law that Microsoft has been convicted of," he added.
"It was an inexplicably bad deal for the government." Microsoft and the Justice Department presented the settlement to a federal judge Friday, saying that it would end the antit A. The role of federal government in managing disputes. B. Microsoft’s settlement of their antitrust case with the government. C. Microsoft’s monopoly over the computer industry in the US. D. The competitors’ response to Microsoft’s antitrust settlement with the government. [判断题]链条葫芦在使用中如发生卡链情况,应将重物垫好后方可进行检修。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]在建筑施工土方工程作业中,应做到( )。
A.安全施工 B.技术可靠 C.经济合理 D.缩短工期 E.最大限度节省人力.物力 [单选题]基础设施实行天窗修制度应坚持“( )”的原则, 实现设备状态修与预防性计划相结合的维方式。
A.严检慎修 B.精检细修 C.状态修 D.安全第一 [多选题]能减少机体散热的措施有
A.减小风速 B.皮肤上涂油脂 C.潮湿的衣服” D.增加衣着 E.保持安静 [判断题]定量数据能够说明具体量的大小和差异,但不能反映现象的属性特点。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]中等常见盘的直径一般为()cm。
A. 20 B. 21 C. 22 D. 23 [单项选择]原发孔房缺最常合并
A. 室缺 B. 肺动脉瓣狭窄 C. 右室流出道狭窄 D. 动脉导管未闭 E. 二尖瓣裂 [单选题]消化性溃疡最常见的并发症是
A.穿孔 B.出血 C.幽门梗阻 D.感染 E.癌变 [不定项选择题]继电器在电路中起着( )等作用。
A.自动调节 B.安全保护 C.转换电路 D.充电 E.放电 [单选题]为防止客人走失或意外发生,一般______走在团队的最前面,______走在团队的最后面。( )
A.地陪;全陪 B.领队;全陪 C.地陪;领队 D.领队;地陪 [单选题]肌原纤维的粗丝主要由下列哪种分子组成( )
A.肌红蛋白 B.肌球蛋白 C.原肌球蛋白 D.肌动蛋白 E.肌钙蛋白 [判断题]使用淘汰小型气动钻机进行探放水的,利用钻孔轨迹测量仪对轨迹测量符合规定。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在将工业机器人放入其安装位置时,使用( )轻轻引导机器人,确保机器人底座正确安装到插销上。
A.钢丝线 B.连接螺钉 C.导轨 D.扳手 [判断题]一级除盐系统中,除碳器应设置在阴床之前。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]以下不属于CMT临床表现的是()。
A. 儿童及青春期起病,缓慢进展 B. "鹤"腿 C. 弓形足 D. 脊柱侧弯 E. 多无感觉障碍 [单项选择]()前八十回对潇湘馆的环境共有几次描写?
A. 四 B. 五 C. 六 D. 七 [填空题]脉冲波也可以用三个参数来表示,即脉冲幅值Vm,()和重复周期T。
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