Most people do not know that Juliette
Gordon Low, the founder of the Girl Scouts of America, was deaf. She began to
lose her hearing when she was 17, and became almost totally deaf in her
adulthood. Juliette Gordon was born on October 31,1860, in Savannah, Georgia. Her family and friends all called her Daisy. When she was 14 she was sent to. a school in Virginia that was run by some of Thomas Jefferson’s grand-daughters. A few years later, at the age of 17, she transferred to a school in New York. Juliette married William Mackay Low and they went to England to live. Juliette became interested in the Girl Guides Association there. She observed their meetings and was very impressed because the girls acquired many useful skills. They learned how to cook, knit, tie knots and give first aid. They also learned about A. She tried to help her husband to expand his association. B. She hoped to help girls to acquire useful skills. C. She wanted to organize girls to support the army. D. She was assigned the task by Girl Guides Association. [多选题]其间,民警赶到后多次劝阻无效,欲将李某及其父亲等人强制带离现场,李某等人对民警进行殴打撕扯,致两名民警受轻微伤。下列做法符合法律规定的有:(多选)
A.李某等人的行为,应由县级以上的公安机关对其作出处罚决定 B.民警可以当场对李某作出拘留 7 日的处罚决定 C.当场作出治安管理处罚决定的,民警应当在 24 小时内报所属公安机关备案 D.李某对治安处罚决定不服的,可以申请行政复议,复议期间不停止执行 [单选题]避雷线又称为( )。
A.耦合地线 B.屏蔽地线 C.架空地线 [填空题]铁路营业线施工必须把( )放在首位,坚持“安全第一、预防为主、综合治理”的方针
A. 败血症 B. 病毒性脑炎 C. 化脓性脑膜炎 D. 脑脓肿 E. 高热惊厥 [单项选择]发生于幕下第四脑室的室管膜瘤应与下述哪种肿瘤相鉴别( )
A. 松果体肿瘤 B. 星形细胞瘤 C. 胶样囊肿 D. 髓母细胞瘤 E. 神经节细胞瘤 [单选题]BY03GG041388运行人员认为调度指令有误,应予指出;若调度员仍坚持命令,应();如调度指令直接威胁人身、设备安全,应()并申述理由,同时将拒绝执行调度指令的情况及原因及时报告变电管理所主任
A.立即执行,立即执行 B.立即执行,拒绝执行 C.拒绝执行,拒绝执行 D.拒绝执行,立即执行 [单选题]在贷款按行业分类统计表中,某担保公司的贷款应属于下列哪个行业?
A.金融业 B.租赁和商务服务业 C.居民服务修理和其他服务业 D.公共管理社会保障和社会组织 [判断题]人民法院审理行政诉讼案件一般只审查行政行为的合法性。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]冷弯弯头在用电动弯管机进行时,使用的弯管模,导板和压紧模,必须与被弯管子( )相符,以免产生不允许的变形。
A.外径 B.中径 C.内径 D.半径 [判断题]行政执法机关对公民、法人或者其他组织的行政事业性收费,必须以法律、法规或者国务院及其财政、物价部门以及省人民政府的规定为依据,其收费项目和收费标准应当按照国家规定报经批准。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] ( )为了提高泵效率或改变泵的参数,需要检泵。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]球磨机清盐周期在( )。
A.10天一次 B.每月一次 C.5天一次 [单选题] (单选题)下列哪种疾病诊断时不做血培养
A. 亚急性细菌性心内膜炎 B. 钩端螺旋体病 C. 副伤寒 D. 细菌性痢疾 E. 布氏杆菌病 [填空题]1. Skill to ask questions
1) be aware of the human nature:readiness to answer others’’
questions regardless of (1)________
2) start a conversation with some personal but unharmful questions
e.g. questions about one’’s (2)________ job
questions about one’’s activities in the (3)________
3) be able to spot signals for further talk
2. Skill to (4)________ for answers
1) don’’t shift from subject to subject
―sticking to the same subject: signs of (5)________ in conversation
2) listen to (6)________of voice
―If people sound unenthusiastic, then change subject.
3) use eyes and ears
―steady your gaze while listening
3. Skill to laugh
Effects of laughter:
ease people’’s (7)________
―help start (8)________
4. Skill to part
1) importance: open up possibilities for future friendship or contact
2) ways:
―men: a smile, a (9)________
―women: same as (10)________ now
―how to express pleasure in meeting someone
A. 赫尔辛基宣言 B. 迈蒙尼提斯祷文 C. 希波克拉底誓言 D. 妙文集 E. 胡弗兰德十二箴言 [单选题]关于从网上下载内容的安全建议,以下说法正确的是( )。
A.下载软件首选资源丰富的网站下载 B.关闭杀毒软件,提高下载速度 C.下载完成后直接打开下载的文件 D.下载软件时,最好到软件官方网站或者其他正规软件下载网站下载 [单项选择]红皮病的病因与以下哪项无关()
A. 药物过敏 B. 继发恶性肿瘤 C. 银屑病发展而成 D. 食物过敏 E. 维生素缺乏 [简答题]行政机关申请强制执行应当具备哪些条件?
[单选题]心包腔内液体的生理作用是 ( )
A.维持心包腔内压力 B.润滑作用 C.营养心肌 D.免疫作用 E.维持心肌张力 我来回答: 提交