British cancer researchers have found that childhood leukaemia is caused by an infection and clusters of cases around industrial sites are the result of population mixing that increases exposure. The research published in the British Journal of Cancer backs up a 1988 theory that some as yet unidentified infection caused leukaemia--not the environmental factors widely blamed for the disease.
"Childhood leukaemia appears to be an unusual result of a common infection," said Sir Richard Doll, an internationally-known cancer expert who first linked tobacco with lung cancer in 1950. "A virus is the most likely explanation. You would get an increased risk of it if you suddenly put a lot of people from large towns in a rural area, where you might have people who had not been exposed to the infection." Doll was commenting on the new findings by researchers at Newcastle University, which focused on a cluster of leukaemia cases around the Sellafield nuclear repro
A. medical journal
B. research institute
C. private company
D. governmental agency
Three men got to the Dover Railway
Station a few minutes after nine o’clock one evening. They asked a guard, "What
time is the next train for London " The guard said, "You’ve just missed one. A train goes every hour. The next one is at ten o’clock." "That’s all right," they said. "We’ll go and have a drink." So off they went to a bar. A minute or two after ten o’clock they came running and asked the guard. "Has the train gone " "Yes," the guard said. "It went at ten, and I told you. The next one is at eleven o’clock." "That’s all right," they said again. "We’ll go and have another drink." So they went back to the bar. They missed the eleven o’clock train in the same way. Then the guard said, "No, the next train is the last one. If you miss that train, you won’t get to London tonight." (41) {{ A. his friends who came to see him off got on the train instead of him B. he didn’t really want to go to London C. his friends didn’t have to go to London D. it was funny that he couldn’t get to London that night [单选题]线路坡度超过( ),长度为 5km 及以上的为长大下坡道。
A.6‰ B.8‰ C.10‰ D.12‰ [多选题]允许速度大于120km/h区段的钢梁明桥面上不应有钢轨接头,否则应将其()。
A.冻结 B.胶结 C.焊接 D.铺设长钢轨 [判断题]不属于依法必须招标范围,且能够由公司下属具备相关资质和能力的全资专业子公司提供的服务类项目,按照公司相关规定,符合条件的经批准也可采用直签方式经谈判后签订合同,并规范组织实施
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]有关蔓状血管瘤,以下哪项是错误的
A. 表现为局部皮肤隆起,皮温升高 B. 可听到持续性吹风样杂音 C. 好发于头皮,可破损颅骨而侵入板障静脉,并与颅内静脉窦相连接 D. 手术风险大且不易切除净,故一般不采取手术治疗 E. 选择性动脉造影是目前蔓状血管瘤诊断和治疗前是常用的辅助检查 [多项选择]患者女,38岁,因“肾移植术后1周,移植肾区胀痛伴尿量减少6h”来诊。患者接受活体肾移植术后1周,肾功能已回复正常6h前开始尿量较前明显减少,伴移植肾区闷胀痛,自觉低热。查体:T38.5℃,P100次/min,R20次/min,BP90/50mmHg;腹软,移植肾区稍膨隆,压痛明显,伤口引流出少量血性渗液,肠鸣音正常。可能的诊断有(提示检查尿管通畅,血常规:Hb105g/L,WBC16.4×10/L,N0.78,L0.20;SCr210μmol/L。)()
A. 急性排斥反应 B. 急性肾小管坏死 C. 移植肾动脉狭窄 D. 移植肾破裂;移植肾静脉狭窄;移植肾动静脉吻合口破裂 E. 淋巴囊肿 F. 输尿管瘘 [单选题]2号线正线信号机的显示红色的意义是( )。
A. 表示列车不得越过该信号机 B.表示进路中的所有道岔开通定位,准许列车按规定的速度越过该信号机 C. 表示进路中至少有一组道岔开通反位,准许列车以不大于30km/h速度越过该信号机 D. 表示允许列车以不大于25Km/h的速度越过信号机,并随时准备停车 [多选题]目前本行发行的净值型银行理财计划,浮动管理费是在扣除 ( )费用后,对投资周期终止日的前一日累计单位净值年化增长率超过业绩比较基准的部分按比例进行收取。
A.A.交易费用 B..托管费 C..固定管理费 D..产品申购费 E..产品赎回费 [单项选择]根据《行政处罚法》第四十七条的规定,哪些情况下当场作出处罚决定,执法人员可以当场收缴罚款的?()
A. 依法给予十元以下的罚款的或不当场收缴事后难以执行的 B. 依法给予二十元以下的罚款的或不当场收缴事后难以执行的 C. 依法给予一百元以下罚款的 D. 依法给予五十元以下罚款的 [单项选择]出资人向人民法院申请对债务人进行重整的,该出资人对债务人的出资比例应当是( )。
A. 出资额占债务人注册资本5%以上 B. 出资额占债务人注册资本1/10以上 C. 出资额占债务人注册资本1/5以上 D. 出资额占债务人注册资本一半以上 [单选题]A.肿瘤细胞减灭术或缩减术
A.全子宫切除术 B.广泛子宫切除+腹膜后淋巴结清扫术 C.化疗 D.全子宫及双附件切除术 E.子宫内膜癌Ⅱ期的治疗首先选择 [多项选择]“有中国特色的社会主义”是在( )提出的。
A. 十二大 B. 十三大 C. 十一居三中全会 D. 十四大 [判断题]中文大写金额数字前应标明“人民币”字样,大写金额数字应紧接“人民币”字样填写,要留一个字的空格。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]未经检验或检验不合格的客户受电工程,( )接(送)电。
A.严禁 B.不宜 C.可以 D.应该 [多选题]与舌咽神经有关的核团有( )
A.孤束核 B.三叉神经脊束核 C.疑核 D.上泌涎核 E.下泌涎核 [简答题]离心泵轴承温度不能超过()度
[简答题]山能发〔2021〕1 号文件,对加大智能化减人、“三减三提”减人力度有何要求?(三减三提类)
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