Ira Carlin, worldwide media director of
the worlds {{U}} (21) {{/U}} advertising agency, McCann Erickson is quite
candid about using fear to sell his message about the communications
revolution. One prediction shows that 55 percent of advertising by volume will be carried on the Internet {{U}} (22) {{/U}} 2005. Consumers will have control and choice of communication; they will also have control over {{U}} (23) {{/U}} advertisements they watch, and how. "But that will only {{U}} (24) {{/U}} to the information enabled", says Carlin. "There’ll be an upstairs-downstairs schism... The widening {{U}} (25) {{/U}} between the information enabled and information disenabled is going to be a greater social problem {{U}} (26) A. as B. to C. that D. than [单选题]从零件表面上切去多余的材料,这一层材料的厚度称为( )。
A.毛坯 B.加工余量 C.工序尺寸 D.切削用量 [多项选择]顾客总价值包含的具体项目是()。
A. 形象价值 B. 产品价值 C. 服务价值 D. 人员价值 [多选题]关于客户沟通的基本要求,说法正确的是( )。
A.物业管理处可以采用多元化的方式,例如工作例会、座谈会等,与客户保持良好的沟通 B.与业主委员会、开发建设单位召开工作例会的,应当形成会议纪要并定期进行跟踪和督办 C.应建立收发文制度 D.对非物业管理处责任或暂时无法改变的质量缺陷,应尽量回避 [单项选择]通过健康教育干预,某行为发生定向改变的难易程度,称为()
A. 高可变性 B. 可变性程度 C. 行为可变性 D. 相关可变性 E. 高低可变性 [单选题]客流高峰时期,巡游出租汽车在空车待租状态下遇有多名 乘客扬手招车时,驾驶员应当( )。
A.A.选择距离 本车行进方向 最近的乘客 B.B.根据目的 地远近选择乘 客 C.C.根据乘客 目的地、道路 拥堵状况选择 乘客 D.D.根据小费 多少选择乘客 [多选题]YD07ZG012221电能表的检定宜按( )以及不同准确度等级的区别,分别设置实验室。
A.单相 B.三相 C.常规性能试验 D.量值传递 [单项选择]十五络脉是指十四经络脉加()
A. 胃之络 B. 脾之络 C. 胃之大络 D. 脾之大络 E. 虚里之脉 [判断题]金属氧化物避雷器的特点包括动作迅速、无续流、残压低、通流量大等。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]如何进行错帐更正处理回退操作?
[单选题]( )周岁以上的公民是成年人,具有完全民事行为能力,可以独立进行民事活动,是完全民事行为能力人。
A.12 B.14 C.16 D.18 [单项选择]
C Jill lived with her grandma. The old woman was strong enough that she could do everything herself at home. As soon as Jill began to tidy the rooms or wash something, her grandma stopped her and told her to work hard at her lessons. Jill had to listen to her grandma and spent all her time on her study. So she went to college at last. Now the girl has left college. She did well in all her subjects and easily found work in Mr. Brown’s company. She was sure Mr. Brown would put her in an important position(位置). On the first day the boss gave her a broom and said, "Your first work is to sweep the offices. " "What" the girl called out in surprise," I’m a college student, you know. " "I’m sorry I don’t know that. Here, give me the broom and let me show you!/ As Jill’s grandma was strong, ______. A. the girl would live with her B. she did all the housework C. she kept doing morning exercise D. she could help her with her lessons [单选题]列车调度指挥系统是铁路运输调度指挥的基础设施,是铁路运输生产的重要技术设备,由( )三级构成。
A.铁路局、电务段、车间 B.电务段、车间、工区 C.铁道部、铁路局、电务段 D.铁道部、铁路局、车站 [单选题]线路停电时,必须按照( )的顺序进行操作,送电时操作顺序相反。
A.断路器、负荷侧隔离开关、母线侧隔离开关; B.断路器、母线侧隔离开关、负荷侧隔离开关C母线侧隔离开关、负荷侧隔离开关、断路器;D负荷侧隔离开关、母线侧隔离开关、断路器。 [单选题]4.158.第158题
三相四线电能表在测量平衡负载的三相四线电能时,若有两相电压断线,则电能表将( )。 A.停转 B.计量1/3 C.倒走1/3 D.正常。 [填空题]广告施工高处作业遇有大雨、大雪、严寒等恶劣天气时( )。
[单选题]根据病人的体质、疾病证候,结合食物的性味功效选择不同的食物进行调护,称为( )
A.饮食随和 B.治疗饮食 C.辨证施食 D.饮食有节 [单选题]对所有正压式空气呼吸器( )至少检查一次,并在每次使用前后都进行检查,以保证其维持正常的状态。[1分]
A.每天 B.每周 C.每月 D.每半年 [单选题]机动车在坡道起步时,关键是要防止车辆向后滑动,加速踏板的踩踏量要( )。
A. 与平时相同就可以 B. 直接把加速踏板踩到底 C. 比平时要小一些 D. 比平时要大一些 我来回答: 提交