A common assumption about the private
sector of education is that it caters only to the elite. {{U}} (31)
{{/U}}recent research points in the opposite direction. If we want to help
some of most{{U}} (32) {{/U}}group in society, then encouraging deeper
private sector{{U}} (33) {{/U}}is likely to be the best way
forward. Several developments are{{U}} (34) {{/U}}in India, all of which involve the private education sector meeting the{{U}} (35) {{/U}}of the poor in distinct ways. {{U}} (36) {{/U}}India is not unique in this respect — similar phenomena are happening all over the developing world. As a point of departure, how do government schools serve the poor Usefully, the government sponsored Public Report on Basic Education in India from 1999 paints a very{{U}} (37) {{/U}}picture of the "{{U}} (38) {{/U}}" of the governme A. desolate B. bleak C. ingenious D. delicate [判断题]046311气动系统相比液压系统输出功率要大。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]汽车硅整流发电机外壳有字母“N”接线柱,应与发电机的( )连接
A.正极 B.负极 C.定子三相的中性点 D.激磁线圈 [单选题]该患者最可能的诊断是( )
A.急性甲型肝炎 B.急性乙型肝炎 C.急性丙型肝炎 D.急性丁型肝炎 E.急性戊型肝炎 [判断题]列车故障晚点20分钟,对故障时段的持保通卡的乘客,应告知乘客可继续使用
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]通过人体电流小于100mA时,一般不会造成死亡事故,一般认为( )以下的电流为安全电流,超过100mA的电流为致命电流。
A.80 mA B.60 mA C.40mA D.30mA [单选题]ABH018 5 1 1
传热是指由于( )引起的能量转移,又称热传递。 A.质量差 B.压力差 C.体积差 D.温度差 [单选题]在连续档距的导、地线上挂梯(或飞车)时,其导、地线的截面对于钢绞线不得小于( )平方毫米。
A.25 B.35 C.50 D.70 [单项选择]乙醚的沸点是34.6度,正确的保存方式是()。
A. 低温保存; B. 夏天露天存放; C. 开口放置。 [单选题]测量( )信号,应在仪表量程范围内进行。
A.通信设备 B.电力通信 C.光缆 D. E.略 F.略 [单选题]若一张工作票下设多个分组工作,每个分组应分别指定分组()(监护人),并使用分组工作派工单。
A.工作负责人 B.工作签发人 C.工作许可人 D.值班负责人 [判断题]主站是指施工负责人持作业令到某个车站登记请点施工的车站称为主站(如果同一施工项目多站进行,其作业区含联锁站时,主站原则上在联锁站)。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]Just as (1) ______ is famous for the tango, so American (1) ______
is well-known for jazz, a typical American invention. Unlike
traditional music, which is restricted to European traditions,
jazz music is (2) ______ and flee-formed. (2) ______
Jazz is interesting, so is its (3) ______. The music was (3) ______
invented by Negroes, who were taken away from West Africa
and sold as slaves to the plantation owners in the South of the
country. Their work was hard and their life was short. When one
died, the friends and relatives would attend the (4) ______ (4) ______
On the occasion, a music band often accompanied a march to
the cemetery. On the way to the cemetery, slow, solemn music
was played, but on the way back home (5) ______ music (5) ______
was preferred. The music made everyone want to dance.
was the early form of jazz,
There were also other musical (6) ______ that influenced th
[单选题]变更径路是指( )。
A.发、到站不变,改变经过的路线 B.改变发、到站和经过的线路 C.发站不变,改变到站和经过的路线 D.到站不变,改变发站和经过的路线 [单项选择]反应物与催化剂处于不同相的催化作用,叫做()
A. 单相催化作用 B. 双相催化作用 C. 多相催化作用 D. 不同相催化作用 我来回答: 提交