The International Whaling Commission’s (IWC) decision to retain its ban on whaling does not mean that the killings will stop. Quite the (1) .
Save the Whale. It’s a phrase which became annoying with (2) , an unfavorable shorthand for liberal consciences. How appalling, then, that in the year 2010, it should be pressed (3) service again, to fight the whaling nations: Norway and Iceland, who exempted themselves from the 1986 prohibition (4) by the IWC, and Japan, which hunts whales under cover of " (5) research".
I am completely (6) by this week’s events in Morocco, where talks broke down. In my heart, I agree with those who have (7) the news that this year’s negotiations of the IWC have broken up, and (8) the prohibition would not be lifted (as the US proposed in a desperate (9) to break the deadlock). Yet reason (10) something else. If we do not
A. turning off
B. lifting off
C. shutting off
D. cooling off
Scholars and students have always been
great travelers. The official case for "academic mobility" is now often stated
in impressive terms as a fundamental necessity for economic and social progress
in the world, and debated in the corridors of Europe; but it is certainly
nothing new. Serious students were always ready to go abroad in search of the
most stimulating teachers and the most famous academies; in search of the purest
philosophy, the most effective medicine, the likeliest road to gold. Mobility of this kind meant also mobility of ideas, their transference across frontiers, and their simultaneous impact upon many groups of people. The point of learning is to share it, whether with students or with colleagues. One presumes that only eccentrics have no interest in being credited with a startling discovery, or a new A. more people are studying sciences B. a greater variety of subjects are studied C. more students are doing postgraduate work D. the number of universities has increased [判断题]属于正常修程内的A、B、C类作业均需申报施工计划。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]李老汉与老伴有儿子李大、李二,女儿李红、李兰。儿女成人后均已结婚另过。李老汉生前与老伴省吃俭用,用4万元积蓄购买了商品房一套,家中还有价值2万元的电器家具以及 2万元的存折一张。李兰常年在外工作,父亲去世也未回家。由于没有遗嘱,三人经协商后决定,以后李母由李大赡养,因此房屋由李大继承,电器家具由李二继承,存折由李红继承,李兰未回家视为放弃继承权。下列选项中正确的有:
A. 遗产分配的方式不合法 B. 李大、李二、李红对财产分配比例的约定完全出于自愿,是合法的 C. 李兰应当享有继承权 D. 所有财产中的一半应由李老汉的老伴所有 [单项选择]The writer cites the British people's attitude towards immigration as an example to show their ______.
A. virtuousness B. tolerance C. hypocrisy D. racial discrimination [简答题]何谓植入?描述植入的时间、部位、过程及可能发生的异常及结局。
A. 网站层次结构明了,并尽量保证spider的可读性 B. url尽量短且易读使得用户能够快速理解 C. 建立网站sitemap文件,前及时通过百度站长平台提交 D. robots文件是封禁搜索引擎抓取,所以此Robots文件尽量少用 [单选题]在110kV带电线路下方进行交叉跨越档内松紧、降低或架设导线的检修及施工,应采取防止导线跳动或过牵引与带电线路接近至()安全距离的措施。
A.3.5m B.2m C.2.5m D.3.0m [单项选择]按照内容性质,报告的种类不包括下列哪一项?()
A. 情况报告 B. 随文报告 C. 工作报告 D. 定期报告 [单选题]患者晨起突发颈项强痛,痛引肩臂活动受限,活疗除阿是穴、外劳宫外,还可选用( )。
A.内关、肩髃 B.中渚、肩髎 C.后溪、肩井 D.偏历、肩髃 [判断题]动车组车内保洁原则上应在动车组终到站后,入存车场前进行。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]根据《济南市城市轨道交通运营安全管理规范(暂行)》要求,以下选项属于市交通运输主管部门安全监管职责的是( )
A.保证运营安全资金投入的有效使用。 B.制定城市轨道交通运营领域的运营安全监管规章制度,并监督 落实。 C.制定年度运营安全监管目标,建立安全检查和考核制度。 D.制定并落实安全运营规章制度和操作规程 。 [判断题]UPS并联连接的目的是提高UPS供电系统的可靠性,增加UPS系统的容量,随着并机台数的增加,可靠性也越高。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在危险货物品名表中列载的品名,均属于危险货物。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]劳动定员标准的分类分别是单向定员标准和()。
A. 效率定员标准 B. 设备定员标准 C. 岗位定员标准 D. 综合定员标准 [单选题]斜井人车使用的连接装置的安全系数不得小于( )。
A.6 B.8 C.13 我来回答: 提交