In April 1985, the management of the
Coca-Cola Company announced its decision to change the flavor of the company’s
flagship brand. This decision was made based on the fact that Pepsi consumer
research discovered in blind taste tests that a majority of consumers preferred
the taste of Pepsi to that of Coke. The "Pepsi Challenge" campaign made this
public knowledge and Coke executives quickly moved to change America’s top
brand. New Coke came in a new can, with updated red and silver graphics
replacing the traditional red and white look. Although taste tests of the New
Coke had shown that majority of those tested preferred the new product, these
tests could not gauge(评估) the emotional appeal of the "old" Coke. In other
words, consumers want their cake and eat it too. A large public cried one after
another during the 79 days when old Coke was no long A. It is a traditional can. B. It is a new can, With updated red and silver graphics. C. It has a red and white look. D. The New Coke can is blue. [单项选择]减少抽样误差的途径是()
A. 增大样本容量 B. 提高观测精度 C. 改进测验仪器 D. 提高资料的一致性 [单选题]业主委员会应当自选举产生之日起()日内,向物业所在地的区、县人民政府房地产行政主管部门备案。
A.10 B.15 C.30 D.90 [单项选择]电击头部或脑震荡可能导致()
A. 逆行性遗忘症 B. 顺行性遗忘症 C. 定向力障碍 D. 失语症 E. 近期和远期记忆障碍 [单项选择]在我国,不能作为国际私法渊源的是()
A. 国际条约 B. 国内立法 C. 国内判例 D. 专家的学说 [判断题]城郊线电客车转向架中央牵引装置牵引销座上平面与空气弹簧支撑面距轨面高度均为875mm。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]理性认识的三种形式是()。
A. 感觉、知觉、表象 B. 概念、判断、推理 C. 实践、认识、再实践 D. 抽象、具体、再抽象 [单选题]《铁路客运运价规则》行李、包裹起码重量为( )千克,
A.1 B.5 C.10 D.15 [填空题]公司规定,阳极组装循环水PH值标准()。
A. 阴阳 B. 五行 C. 脏腑 D. 经络 E. 精气神 [多选题]班组日志需要记录( )等内容。
A.班组负责人书面填写,每日记录 B.记录每日工作,人员变化、每日总结 C.安全活动 D.质量活动 [单选题]粉末镜检可见细胞壁三面加厚、一面菲薄的石细胞、油细胞、黏液细胞、纤维及草酸钙针晶的药材是
A.桑白皮 B.牡丹皮 C.肉桂 D.秦皮 E.川黄柏 [单项选择]关于脾的描述正确的是()
A. 位于右季肋部 B. 门静脉高压时,其血流量不受影响 C. 前下缘与肋弓一致 D. 为腹膜外位器官 E. 位于第9~11肋间,其长轴与第10肋基本一致 我来回答: 提交