We know that, for the most part, the
bigger a man’s muscles are, the stronger he is. Can it be considered, then, that
the larger the brain a man has, the cleverer he is The answer is no. There are only two animals that have larger brains than man, the whale and the elephant. Yet, according to his size, man’s brain is larger. Man’s brain usually weighs about three pounds or a little more, and this is about one-fortieth of the weight of his whole body. The whale’s body, on the other hand, is a thousand times heavier than its brain, while the elephant’s body is about five hundred times as heavy. But a man who has a large brain is not necessarily cleverer than one whose brain is smaller. We know that geniuses have existed who have had very large brains, but there have been others whose brains were rather small. We do not understand w A. large brains B. genius C. hard work D. cleverness [简答题]讲一个女孩给他的教授讨论tapa blanket的用处特点等等。
[多选题]施工安全协议书由施工单位与( )单位分别签定。( )
A.设备管理单位 B.行车组织单位 C.建设单位 D.监理单位 [判断题]计算机网络的最大好处在于使信息存取速度提高。(易)(应急通信)
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]提高发电机的电压将使发电机铁芯中的磁感应功强度增加,引起铜损增加,铁芯发热。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题] Perhaps, every county suffered from inflation once or more times. Inflation is an economic condition in (B1) prices for consumer goods (B2) , and the (B3) of money or purchasing power decreases. There are three causes of inflation. The first and most important cause may be excessive government spending. For example, in order to (B4) a war or carry (B5) social programs, the government may spend more money than it has received through taxes and other revenues, thus creating a deficit. In order to (B6) this deficit, the Treasury Department can simply (B7) the money supply by issuing more paper money to (B8) the debts of government. This increase in the money supply will cause the value of the dollar to (B9) decrease. The second cause of inflation occurs when the money supply increases faster than the supply of goods. (B10) people have more money, they will run out to buy popular goods (B11) televisions and computers, for example, and a shortage
A. A.consumer B.controller C.manager D.employer [单选题]未经批准不得修改运行中电源设备( )。
A.运行参数 B.告警信息 C.告警参数 D.系统时间 [单选题]某建设工程施工合同约定工程开工,竣工日期分别为2013年3月1日和2014年10月1日,2014年10月20日工程实际竣工。由于发包人未按约定支付工程款,承包人欲行使工程价款优先受偿权,其最迟必须在( )前行使。( 2015真题 )
A.2013年9月1日 B.2015年4月1日 C.2015年4月20日 D.2015年10月20日 [多项选择]房地产开发企业将开发产品用于下列( )项目,属于视同销售房地产,需要缴纳土地增值税。
A. 开发的部分房地产用于换取其他单位的非货币性资产 B. 开发的部分房地产用于职工福利 C. 开发的部分房地产用于出租,且产权未转移 D. 开发的部分房地产用于对外投资 E. 开发的部分房地产用于办公 [多项选择]下列作物哪些属于C4植物?()
A. 小麦 B. 玉米 C. 水稻 D. 甘蔗 [单项选择]Passage Four