Direction: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.
Dogs are often (21) man’s best friend. For those who are blind, a dog is (22) than a friendly company. A dog is a pair of sharp eyes. A (23) dog guide gives blind people the (24) to move through the world safely and freely. A dog guide is also a best friend. (25) a working team of a dog and a person is not easy. There are no factories making thousands of dog guides a day. There are however, schools all (26) the country that train both blind people and the dogs they depend upon. The process of education is long for both the dog its human partner.
A dog begins schooling as puppy. Around age of 8 weeks, the puppy is placed with a faster family. Th
A. remember
B. follow
C. listen
D. tell
The telecity is a city whose life,
direction, and functioning are largely shaped by telecommunications. In the
twenty-first century; cities will be based more and more on an economy that is
dependent on services and intellectual property. Telecommunications and
information networks will define a city’s architecture, shape, and character.
Proximity in the telecity will be defined by the speed and bandwidth of networks
as much as by geographical propinquity. In the, age of the telecity, New York
and Singapore may be closer than, say, New York and Arkadelphia,
Arkansas. Telecities will supersede megacities for several reasons, including the drive toward clean air, reducing pollution, energy conservation, more jobs based on services, and coping with the high cost of urban property. Now we must add the need to cope with terrorist threats A. the security risks B. the terrorist attacks C. environmental hazards of over-centralization D. the security risks, economic expenses, and environmental hazards [单项选择]尿三杯试验,第1杯有脓,第2、3杯正常,表示病变在()
A. 前尿道 B. 三角区 C. 后尿道 D. 肾脏 E. 输尿管 [多选题]以下关于穿戴个体防护用品,说法正确的是( )。
A.个体防护用品必须是经过认证的合格的防护用品; B.按照说明书要求使用,特殊情况可以超限使用,也可以找替代品使用; C.事故应急救援人员的个体防护要求与一般作业人员的要求一致; D.使用完的个体防护用品要进行清洁并定期保养; E.救援人员要熟悉个体防护器材的性能特点,根据事故场所危害情况穿戴。 [单项选择]患儿,男,7岁。浮肿4天,小便量小,色如浓茶,尿蛋白(++),红细胞20/HP,血压正常,血清总补体明显低于正常。其诊断是
A. 肾炎性肾病 B. 急进性肾炎 C. 急性肾炎 D. 慢性肾炎 E. 单纯性肾病 [单选题]第一级客流控制:在()采取措施控制站台乘客数量的客流组织行为,由值班站长决定启动。
A.公共区 B.非付费区 C.付费区 D.出入口 [单选题]当测量电阻值超过量程时,手持式数字万用表将显示()。
A..1 B..0L C..0 D.. X [单选题]反渗透弱碱水设备进水压力是( )。(128)
A.0.1-0.35MPa B.0.2-0.25MPa C.0.1-0.4MPa D.0.1-0.25MPa [单项选择]手术中切开空腔脏器前用纱垫保护的目的是( )
A. 防止出血 B. 防止细菌污染 C. 防止内脏器官暴露过久 D. 防止损伤 E. 防止术后腹胀 [判断题]停炉时间在三天以内,将煤粉仓的粉位尽量降低,以防煤粉自燃而引起爆炸。
[判断题]ERP系统集信息技术与先进的管理思想于一身。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]科学虚构可以成立的主要根据是()上的。
A. 科学 B. 逻辑 C. 哲学 D. 经验 [单项选择]男性,49岁。因头晕半天、黑便3次急诊入院。既往史无特殊。血压80/50mmHg,心率124次/分,面色苍白,伴冷汗。
该病人的诊断可能是 A. 急性肠炎 B. 急性胃穿孔 C. 上消化道出血 D. 下消化道出血 我来回答: 提交