Imagine a world in which children would
be the rulers and could decide not only the outcome of each and every
occurrence, but also dictate the very structure and form of the environment. In
this world, a child’s wildest thoughts would become reality, limited only by the
extent of his or her imagination. While such a world might sound both fantastic and frightening, at least from a logical, adult perspective, it does exist. What’s more, it has been in existence for some time and is populated by hundreds of thousands of children who spend hours within its boundaries experimenting and learning. This world is not real. at least not in the traditional sense, but exists within a computer and is generated by an educational programming language called LOGO. Unlike other computer languages and programs that are designed to test children an A. an educational testing program B. a computer language C. an information dispenser D. an unreal world [单选题]•山东能源集团《“红黄牌”、严重“三违”判定标准及执行办法》规定:红牌扣罚二级公司分管负责人按主要负责人罚款额度的()倍执行
A.1.1-1.3 B.1.2-1.4 C.1.2-1.5 D.1.3-1.5 [单项选择]等标污染负荷所采用的评价标准是()。
A. 大气环境质量标准 B. 污染物排放标准 C. 大气卫生标准 D. 地表水环境质量标准 E. 地面水卫生标准 [判断题]在制造及储存含高脂肪的特殊饲料时,应注意不饱和脂肪酸极易被氧化,造成必需脂肪酸的不足。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]计算机中存储信息的基本单位是______。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]钢轨打磨时,其他人员应远离打磨( )。
A.前方 B.后方 C.左侧 D.右侧 [判断题]用管子滚动搬运,上坡、下坡,均应对重物采取防止下滑的措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择](2010)购房人办理抵押贷款手续时,应向银行提交的文件有()。
A. 购房人的身份证件 B. 购房人的学历证明 C. 商品房认购书 D. 购房人所在单位出具的购房人家庭稳定经济收入证明 E. 房地产开发企业出具的房屋权属证明 [单选题]1958年1月1日,宝(鸡)成(都)铁路正式通车,全长( )公里。
A.668 B.688 C.698 D.869 [简答题]国际邮件资费的种类有哪些?
[单选题]下面关于USB的叙述中,错误的是( )
A.USB2.0的数据传输速度要比USB1.1快得多 B.USB具有热插拔和即插即用功能 C.主机不能通过USB连接器向外围设备供电 D.从外观上看,USB连接器要比PC机的串行口连接器小 [简答题]什么是滑压运行?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )是公安消防部队的宗旨所在,也是消防官兵必须牢固树立的职业道德风尚。
A.服务人民 B.热爱祖国 C.辛勤劳动 D.团结友爱 [简答题]
[判断题]在运行的变电站手持非绝缘物件时不应超过本人的头顶,设备区内禁止撑伞。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交