Immediately after the Civil War, however, the diet began to change. 61) Rail transportation increased the supply and improved the quality of the milk that reached urban centers; cold storage and refrigerator cars made possible the greater consumption of fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, and fresh fish; and commercial canning extended the range of appetizing and healthful foods. Subsequently food statistics indicated an increased consumption of dairy products, fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, sugar and syrups, coffee, tea, cocoa, and spices. Decreased consumption was shown for meats, potatoes, and grain products. 62) By and large, the American diet continued to reflect a considerable reliance upon animal products, rather than on grains, which meant that a relatively large acreage was required to feed the American public. Whereas a grain and fish diet, such as in Japan, requires only a quarter of an acre high-yield cropland and no pasture per capita, the American diet re
Sleep{{/B}} For millions of years before the appearance of the electric light, shift work, all-night cable TV and the Internet, Earth’s creatures evolved on a planet with predictable and reassuring 24-hour rhythms. Our biological clocks are set for this daily cycle. Simply put, our bodies want to sleep at night and be awake during the day. Most women and men need between eight and eight and a halfhours of sleep a night to function properly throughout their lives. (Contrary to popular belief, humans don’t need less sleep as they age.) But in average, Americans sleep only about seven and a half hours per night, a marked drop from the nine hours they averaged in 1910. What’s worse, nearly one third of all Americans get less than six hours of sleep on a typical work night. For most people, that A. other diseases B. pre-bedtime exercises C. improper sleep D. chronic fatigue syndrome [判断题] 车辆在高速公路以每小时100公里的速度行驶时,距同车道前车100米以上为安全距离。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]风灾救援安全风险主要有( )。
A. 建筑倒塌 B. 架空设备设施倒塌 C. 高空坠物 D. 龙卷风卷吸 [简答题]35kVSF6断路器(大风(台风)、雷暴雨(冰雹)前后巡视)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]编制军用危险货物铁路运输计划,使用爆炸品保险箱和危险品专用箱,应当在()注明军用危险货物的数量和爆炸品保险箱或者危险品专用箱的件数。
A. 货物运单 B. 货票 C. 备注栏 D. 附记栏 [单选题]不属于燃烧的三要素( )
A. 可燃物质 B. 助燃物质 C.温度 D.火源 [单选题]生产、经营、购买、运输或者进口、出口易制毒化学品的单位,应当于每年( )前向许可或者备案的行政主管部门和公安机关报告本单位上年度易制毒化学品的生产、 经营、购买、运输或者进口、出口情况。
A. 1月31日 B. 2月31日 C. 3月31日 [单项选择]女性,62岁,乏力,脾肋下1.5cm,浅表淋巴结未及。自述抗贫血药物治疗多次无效。血象:RBC1.85×1012/L,Hb58g/L,WBC2.4×109/L,PLT27×109/L。白细胞分类可见中性晚幼粒4%、中性杆状核细胞4%、中性分叶核细胞56%、淋巴细胞34%、单核细胞2%。分类100个白细胞见4个晚幼红细胞。部分中性分叶核细胞呈Pelger畸形,骨髓增生活跃,其中原始粒细胞为1%,早幼粒为4%。红系有巨幼变。骨髓铁染色,细胞外铁为(+++),铁粒幼细胞为51%,环形铁粒幼细胞为10%。本病的最可能诊断为()
A. RA B. RAS C. RAEB D. RAEB-T E. CMML [单选题]串供或者伪造、销毁、转移、隐匿证据,违反了党的_____。
A.政治纪律 B.组织纪律 C.工作纪律 D.生活纪律 [单选题]5.某变电站避雷针架设高度为40m,则该避雷针地面保护半径是( )。
A.A.10m B.B.8m C.C.12m D.D.6m 我来回答: 提交