"What About the Men" was the title of a Congressional briefing last week timed to (1) National Work and Family Month. "What about them " you may be (2) to yell.
When Ellen Galinsky, president of the Families and Work Institute, first went out on the road to talk about her organization’s research into men’s work-family (3) , she received many such grumpy responses. Work-life experts laughed at her. Men are (4) , they said. They don’t have the right to complain. That was in 2008, before the Great Recession had hit. And this year, when Galinsky went out on the road again to talk about the results of a new study on male work-life conflict, she got a very (5) response. Some men became very (6) . They felt they didn’t have permission to feel (7) . "’This is what I think about each and every day, ’ " she recalled another man telling her. " ’ I d
A. That
B. What
C. As
D. Whatever
"Please pass the turkey and dressing."
What does this simple request make you think about ff you are an American, you
think about Thanksgiving. A turkey dinner symbolizes Thanksgiving for Americans.
What does Thanksgiving remind Americans of Their families. Thanksgiving is a
family time. On this holiday, families gather to gobble up the gobbler and stuff
themselves with stuffing. Family members enjoy watching parades and football
games on TV and just being together. What does "family" mean to
Americans The traditional American family is a "nuclear family". A nuclear family refers to a husband and wife and their children. The average American family today has two or three children (and maybe a few pets). In some cultures, people live close to their extended family. Several generations may even live together. In America, onl A. equality. B. privacy. C. freedom. D. diligence. [判断题]“吉事尚右,凶事尚左”是《道德经》提出的。
A. C语言或汇编语言 B. HTML或XML语言 C. 脚本程序语言 D. C++或SQL语言 [填空题]使用铁鞋(止轮器)防溜时,鞋尖(止轮器)应紧贴( ),牢靠固定。
A.轻松工作 B.一般工作 C.本职工作 [单选题](49732)N1601型轨道起重机工作速度,主钩额定载荷起升速度为( )m/min。
A.2.1 B.3.0 C.4.5 D.5.0 [单选题]8.( )是指在第三方的参与下,由第三方在查明事实、分清责任的基础 上沟通双方意见,由第三方在查明事实、以寻求一个双方都能接受的方案。
A.诉讼 B.调解 C.自行协商 D.仲裁 [单选题]药物利用情报资料质量高低标准的指标不包括
A.新度 B.深度 C.广度 D.敏感度 E.信息量和信息有效度 [判断题]采用于式抽采瓦斯泵时,其吸气侧管路系统中必须装设有防回火、防回气和防爆炸作用的安全装置。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]导向标志包括哪些?
A.站外导向标志 B.换乘标志 C.检(验)票设施导向标志 D.车站位置标志 [单项选择]在Word 2000中,每单击一次工具栏上的“增加/减少缩进量”按钮,段落的左边缩进都将向右/左移动______。
A. 一个制表位 B. 两个英文字符的宽度 C. 两个汉字字符的宽度 D. 6磅 [判断题]构件在外力作用下,抵抗破坏的能力称为刚度
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 水泵电机接线调试时先检查电源电压是否正常,各指数是否正常。电机运转方向与水泵所需方向是否一致,声音是否正常。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]视频会议室如果出现闪屏、视频画面失真等现象可能是由于光源选择不当。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交