To finance the national debt, the
government issues a variety of debt securities. The most widely held liquid
security is the Treasury bill, which is commonly issued by the ministry of
finance. However, some Treasury bills, like the Treasury bill of the U. S.
government, do not actually pay interest. Instead they are issued at a discount
from par (their value at maturity). The investor’s yield comes from the increase
in the value of the security between the time it was pm, chased and the time it
matures. Treasury bills are attractive to investors because they are backed by the government and therefore are virtually free of default risk. Because even if the government ran out of money, it could simply print more to pay them off when they mature. The risk of unexpected changes in inflation is also low because of the short term to maturity. The markets [单选题][T]B-A-A-012 5 2 3
与工务有关的信号标志中不含( )。 A.警冲标 B.站界标 C.坡度标 D.作业标 [单项选择]舌质苍老属于()
A. 寒证 B. 热证 C. 实证 D. 虚证 E. 阴证 [多项选择]SF6断路器内气体水分含量增大的原因有()。
A. 气体或再生气体本身含有水分 B. 组装时干燥不够,进入水分 C. 管道的材质自身含有水分,或管道连接部分存在渗漏现象 D. 密封件不严而渗入水分 [单选题]根据《城市、镇控制性详细规划编制审批办法》,下列表述中不正确的是( )。
A.城市人民政府城乡规划主管部门组织编制城市控制性详细规划 B.县人民政府组织编制县人民政府所在地镇控制性详细规划 C.城市的控制性详细规划由本级人民政府审批 D.镇控制性详细规划可以根据实际情况,适当调整或者减少控制要求和指标 [单选题]单梯的横档应嵌在支柱上,并在距梯顶(____)处设限高标志。
A.1m B.1.2m C.1.5m D.1.8m [单项选择]男性,55岁。喉结核不规则服用异烟肼半年,2周前突发言语不清,右侧肢体肌力下降,胸片两肺弥漫性小结节影,上中部较多部分有融合,颅脑CT示脑梗死。其治疗方案为()
A. 2HRE/4HR B. 2HRSZ/4HR C. 4HRE/2HE D. 顺铂+长春碱酰胺 E. 顺铂+异环磷酰胺 [判断题]施工现场应当根据工程特点,有针对性地设置、悬挂安全标志。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]根据现行《宪法》和法律的规定,我国的兵役制度是( )。
A.志愿兵役制 B.义务兵役制 C.义务兵役制与志愿兵役制相结合,以义务兵役制为主 D.义务兵役制与志愿兵役制相结合,以志愿兵役制为主 [单选题]"下列哪项不是硝酸甘油与血管扩张有关的不良反应
A.直立性低血压 B.搏动性头痛 C.眼压升高 D.心率加快 E.高铁血红蛋白血症" 我来回答: 提交