Text 3 The Inland Revenue on Thursday accused the British film industry of abusing government aid, with every production of recent years deliberately over-claiming tax relief. Revenue officials called in about 20 members of the film industry and warned them of severe consequences if the "exploitation" of tax-relief schemes did not immediately stop. The move, which affects the including low- to high-budget film-makers and financiers, is i the latest in a series of attempts by the Revenue to clamp down on tax loopholes in an attempt to raise more money for the Exchequer. But the film industry responded on Thursday night, saying the Revenue could drive productions overseas and would confuse investors. A series of tax relief schemes, introduced in 1997, enables those involved in the financing of qualifying British-made films to claim the costs of production against future income. The schemes have become popular with investors seeking a tax shelter, with an estimated
A. the disappointment of the film industry at Revenue's decision
B. the state of worry in the minds of film investors
C. the reactions to the Revenue's move of parties concerned
D. the way out of the present difficult situation
Since April, a new flu named A-H1 Nl(originally called swine flu)has affected over 100,000 people in more than 40 countries. Symptoms of swine flu are similar to those of regular seasonal influenza. People with swine flu often get a fever, headache, cough, sore throat, body aches, vomiting, chills and fatigue. Study has showed, that swine flu is a virus that usually affects pigs but appears to have acquired the ability to pass from person to person, though it’ s unclear how easily it can be transmitted this way.
Usually, the best way to protect yourself contracting it or other infectious diseases is with a dose of common sense: Wash your hands frequently with soap and warm water, cover your coughs and sneezes and stay home from work or school if you feel ill. These guidelines may seem basic, but they’ re effective in preventing the spread of infections. Richard Besser, acting director of the U. S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC), said, "Co
A. Swine flu call be transmitted easily among pigs but not among people
B. Swine flu is a virus that has acquired the ability to pass from person to person
C. People with swine flu often get a stomachache, headache and toothache.
D. Symptoms of swine flu are different from those of regular seasonal influenza.
One of the greatest concerns parents
have when facing an international move is, "What school will be {{U}} (62)
{{/U}} to my child Will my child be {{U}} (63) {{/U}}
academically as a result of this move " Although this fear is certainly
strongest in families moving overseas for the first time, even those who may be
more {{U}} (64) {{/U}} often have concerns about their children’s
education. Dr. Ernest Mannino spoke frankly about some of the common {{U}} (65) {{/U}} parents have regarding the education of their chil A. national B. operational C. international D. vocational [填空题]奥瑞姆自理理论由自理学说、()及护理系统学说组成。
[判断题]( )在满足大型养路机械技术性能、作业需要和行车安全的前提下,大型养路机械编挂数量及顺序由机械段自定,但应尽量将功率大、轴距大或较重的机械编在后部。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]与鲜乳相比,酸乳中的( )含量得到了提高。
A. 游离氨基酸和肽 B. 乳糖 C. 乳脂肪 D. 可溶性钙和磷 E. 叶酸、胆碱等B族维生素 [填空题]集体主义的基本要求是正确处理______、______的关系。
[单项选择]人坐着休息、穿薄衣、无强迫热对流时,在通常地球引力和海平面的气压条件下,未经热习服的人所感到的温度为( )。
A. 允许温度 B. 感觉温度 C. 舒适温度 D. 最小温度 [单项选择]在各种电压等级输电线路中,采用下列防雷方式中说法错误的是( )。
A. 500kv及以上送电线路,应全线装设双避雷线 B. 220~330kv线路,应全线装设双避雷线 C. 110kv线路,一般沿全线装设避雷线 D. 35kv及以下线路,一般沿全线装设避雷线 [单选题]( )宜采用录音或影像方式,作业后由作业班组留存一年。
A.现场安全措施布置 B.班前会 C.现场安全交底 D.工作许可 [多选题]根据《变电安规》,手持电动工器具如有( )或有损于安全的机械损伤等故障时,应立即进行修理,在未修复前,不得继续使用。
A.绝缘损坏、电源线护套破裂 B.电源线护套油污 C.保护线脱落 D.插头插座裂开 [判断题]卫生检疫机关如果发现在船舶实施出境检疫完毕后,又有人员上船或装卸货物的,应对该船舶重新实施出境检疫。 ( )
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