Concern with money, and then more
money, in order to buy the conveniences and luxuries of modern life, has brought
great changes to the lives of most Frenchmen. More people are working than ever
before in France. In the cities the traditional leisurely midday meal is
disappearing. Offices, shops, and factories are discovering the great efficiency
of a short lunch hour in company lunchrooms. In almost all lines of work
emphasis now falls on ever-increasing output. Thus the "typical" Frenchman
produces more, earns more, and buys more consumer goods than his counterpart of
only a generation ago. He gains in creature comforts and ease of life. What he
loses to some extent is his sense of personal uniqueness, or
individuality. Some say that France has been Americanized. This is because the United States is A. Leisure, elegance, and efficiency. B. Elegance, efficiency, and taste. C. Leisure, elegance, and taste. D. Elegance, efficiency, and taste. [单选题]“3.01”事件具体发生在我国( )。
A.乌鲁木齐 B.昆明 C.广州 D.北京 [单选题]分支机构()根据辖内具体情况,设立代理发行库或开展发行基金托管业务
A.A.不得 B.B.可以 C.C.严禁 D.D.经上级行批准 [判断题]调度集中由CTC中心系统、车站系统、网络通信系统三部分组成。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]轨道加强设备伤损达到哪些标准,应有计划地修理或更换?
A.考虑到旅客的舒适度,在选择了PACK1为ON之后至少过30s,再选择PACK2。 B.考虑到旅客的舒适度,在选择了PACK1为ON之后至少过10s,再选择PACK2。 C.考虑到旅客的舒适度,在选择光洁形态之后可选择PACK2。 D.考虑到旅客的舒适度,在绿点速度之后再选择PACK2。 [判断题]2.6 办理机动车登记业务时,均须查验机动车。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]我行“银保融易贷”业务,是指小微企业向纳入我行合作范围的保险公司投保( ),我行据此办理的流动资金贷款业务。
A.A-企业综合险 B.B-企业贷款履约保证保险 C.C-企业财产险 D.D-金融机构损失险 [多选题]在电缆穿过()或(),应做防火封堵。
A. 竖井 B.变电站夹层 C.墙壁、楼板 D.进入电气盘、柜的孔洞处 [判断题] 400V 开关柜维护作业需在有源滤波柜停电后半小时,待电容放电完毕后进行,开始作业前用万用表测量电容两端确保无残留电压,保证人身安全。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交