Here’s my simple test for a product of
today’s technology: I go to the bookstore and check the shelves for remedial
books. The more books, the more my suspicions are raised. If
computers and computer programs supposedly are getting easier to use, why are so
many companies still making a nice living publishing books on how to use
them Computers manipulate information, but information is invisible. There’s nothing to see or touch. The programmer decides what you see on the screen. Computers don’t have knobs like old radios. They don’t have buttons, not real buttons. Instead, more and more programs display pictures of buttons, moving even further into abstraction and arbitrariness. I like computers, but I hope they will disappear, that they will seem as strange to our descendents as the technologies of our grandparents appear to us. Today’s computers are A. colorful and unimaginable B. fanciful and unpredictable C. difficult and incredible D. natural and inevitable [判断题]软启动器的保护主要有对软启动器内部元器件的保护、对外部电路的保护、对电动机的保护等。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]物体受到的力一般可分为()和()两类。
A.客户方 B.客户工作人员 C.监护人员 D.客户电气负责人 [多项选择]根据《华润置地物业公司员工行为规范(BI手册)(2008版)》要求,员工通用行为规范--行为举止,姿态端正,自然大方,工作中做到()操作稳,尽量不露出物品相互碰撞的声音。
A. 走路轻 B. 语速慢 C. 说话清 D. 效率高 [判断题] ( )法国人饮用的茶叶及采用的品饮方式因人而异,以饮用绿茶的人最多,饮法与英国人类似。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]民用爆炸物品最小计数单位和基本包装单元上应同时有警示标识和警示语。( )应同时有警示标识和登记标识
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]根据《普速铁路接触网运行维修规则》,单项设备:分相绝缘器的检查周期为()。
A.15天 B.3个月 C.6个月 D.12个月 [单选题]甲在某超市内盗窃收银台内的现金300元,被公安机关抓获后,公安机关应当将300元钱( )退还被侵害人。
A.扣押 B.收缴 C.追缴 D.没收 [单选题]关于取保候审,以下表述正确的是( )。
A.对被取保候审人判处罚金或者没收财产的判决生效后,依法应当退还保证金的,不论保证金是否属于其个人财产,人民法院均可以书面通知执行机关将保证金移交人民法院执行刑罚,但剩余部分应当退还被取保候审人 B.任何单位和个人不得截留、坐支、私分、挪用或者以其他任何方式侵吞保证金,因此人民法院不得将保证金代替执行刑罚 C.对被取保候审人作出罚金或者没收财产的判决后,如被取保候审人交纳保证金的,人民法院可以书面通知执行机关将保证金移交人民法院执行刑罚 D.对被取保候审人判处罚金或者没收财产的判决生效后,依法应当退还保证金的,且保证金属于其个人财产的,人民法院可以书面通知执行机关将保证金移交人民法院执行相应的刑罚 [多项选择]在日常生活中,为求职做好的准备有()。
A. 收集就业信息 B. 掌握求职技巧 C. 善于推销自己 D. 掌握面试技巧 [多选题]同一张工作票多点工作,工作票上的工作地点、( )应填写完整。不同工作地点的工作应分栏填写。
A.线路名称 B.设备双重名称 C.工作任务 D.安全措施 [单项选择]以下哪项不属于网点负责人的工作职责()。
A. 完成网点各项经营指标和利润指标 B. 做好网点的客户营销工作 C. 制订网点绩效考核办法 D. 为工作所需,可以适当泄露客户信息 [判断题]二氧化碳灭火剂的主要作用是稀释空气中氧的浓度,使其降到燃烧的最低需氧量以下,火焰自动熄灭。
[单项选择]How exactly, does science work How do scientists go about doing science Ordinarily we think science proceeds in a straight-forward way. Ideally scientists make observations, formulate hypotheses (假设), and test those hypotheses by making further observations. When there is difference between what is observed and what is predicted by the hypothesis, the hypothesis is revised. Science proceeds in this way, which is a gradual method of finding the best fit between observation and prediction.
But this idealized version of how one does science is naive. Although science demands proof that observations made by one observer be observable by other observers using the same methods, it is by no means clear that, even when confronted with identical phenomena, different observers will report identical observations. And it is most certain that, even if the same observations are made, the conclusions as to the meaning of the observations frequently differ. The fact is that all of us, scient A. are related to the methods of observation B. can never be avoided C. are caused by human perceptual mechanism D. can easily be corrected [单项选择]主叫号码在下列哪条消息中发送:()
A. CHANNEL_REQ B. ASSIMENT_CMD C. SETUP; D. ALERTING; [单选题]触电急救,胸外心脏按压频率应保持在()次/min。
A.60 B.80 C.100 D.120 E./ F./ [多项选择]带式输送机维护时的安全注意事项有()。
A. 不得有连续缺少两串托棍的现象 B. 修理接口时,必须与司机联系好 C. 开机时应通知有关人员离开输送带,及时取走输送带上的杂物 D. 调整跑偏输送带,注意不得用力过猛,以防身体失稳 [单选题]力偶是由大小相等,方向相反,作用线( )一条直线上的两个平行力所组成的力系。
A. 在 B. 不在 C. 垂直于 D.相交于 [多选题]下列各项中,属于国家审计机关审计处罚措施的有( )。
A.警告 B.通报批评 C.没收违法所得 D.责令限期退还被侵占的国有资产 E.责令限期缴纳应当上缴的款项 我来回答: 提交